Recent Postings
217 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2024121172 | NOE | Cambria Community Services District | Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Upgrade Project | |
2024121171 | NOE | Sonoma County | Permit AC.O24-0076 | |
2024121170 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 10 (DOT) | 10-1T180 SJ Right of Way Fence Replacement | |
2024121169 | NOE | California Department of Social Services | New Leased Office Space - El Segundo (DGS Project #14437) | |
2024100745 | NOD | City of Anaheim | R+L Carriers Anaheim Transit Facility | |
2023030682 | NOD | City of Weed | Bole Creek Storm Water Improvement Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-SIS-49004R1I | |
2024121168 | NOE | Sonoma County | December 2024 East Austin Creek Road Emergency | |
2024121167 | NOE | California Fish and Game Commission (CDFGC) | Major Amendment to Experimental Fish Permit for Testing Pop-Up Gear Systems in the Dungeness Crab & Hagfish Fisheries | |
2024121166 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, North Central Region 2 (CDFW) | Blumenthal Project (Lake Alteration Agreement EPIMS Notification No. LAK-56257-R2) | |
2024121165 | NOE | City of Corona | South Mall Parking Lot Main and 6th Street Project | |
2024121164 | NOE | City of Cathedral City | Administrative Design Review 23-0021 | |
2024121163 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Northern and Eureka Region 1 (CDFW) | Edwards Water Diversion Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-HUM- 55379-R1C) | |
2020069009 | ADM | Allensworth Community Services District | Water System Improvement Project | |
2024121162 | NEG | Imperial County | CUP23-0001 La Valle Sabbia -Grain Feed Mill | |
2024060805 | NOD | San Bernardino County | BMT Corral, LLC Corral Solar Farm | |
2018081039 | NOD | City of Corona | Downtown Corona Revitalization Specific Plan Amendment (SPA2024-0002) | |
2024121161 | NOE | California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) | SCRSB LLC | |
2024050741 | NOD | Stanislaus County | Use Permit Application No. PLN2024-0017 – LaFollette Trucking | |
2024121160 | NOE | City of Fort Bragg | Minor Use Permit 4-24 (MUP 4-24) to Transport, Warehouse, and Reduce Bulk Cannabis for Wholesale and Retail Sale | |
2024121159 | NOE | Placer County | Regan Silver Creek MBLA (PLN24-00188) | |
2024121158 | NOE | Yuba City | Yuba City Spiva Avenue Waterline Replacement Project | |
2024121157 | NOE | Humboldt County | Riley Gray Replacement Domestic Well Permit for a single-family residence | |
2023100516 | NOD | Stanislaus County | Use Permit Application No. PLN2022-0148 – Juan M Torres Trucking, Inc | |
2024070047 | NOD | Sonoma County | Neilmed Warehouse Building | |
2024121156 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | Sidewalk Repair Rebate Program - 744 W 106TH ST | |
2024121155 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | Sidewalk Repair Program - Package No. 62 | |
2024121154 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | Sidewalk Repair - Bureau of Street Services (StreetsLA) Package No. 55 | |
2024121153 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | Sidewalk Repair - Bureau of Street Services (StreetsLA) Package No. 55 | |
2024121152 | NOE | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | National Forest Foundation, “Trapper Forest Health and Fuels Reduction Project” | |
2024121151 | NOE | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Whitebark Institute, “Eastern Sierra Climate & Communities Resilience Project (ESCCRP): Phase I Priority Acres” - Inyo National Forest (USFS) | |
2024121150 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | Sidewalk Repair Rebate Program - 744 W 106TH ST | |
2024121149 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 10 (DOT) | Modesto Collision Severity Reduction | |
2024050399 | NOD | City of Los Angeles | DTLA South Park Properties Sites 2 & 3 Project | |
2024121148 | NOD | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-MEN-54907-R1 for Timber Harvesting Plan (THP) 1-24-00137-MEN | |
2024100992 | NOD | City of Atascadero | DEV24-0049, Kurpad Residences | |
2015102005 | NOD | Humboldt County | Water Diversion and Revegetation and Restocking Plan (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-HUM-54004-R1C) | |
2023060320 | EIR | City of Porterville | Henderson Commercial Project | |
2024121147 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Emergency Permit for Management of Hazardous Waste, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics – Buellton, Buellton, California | |
2024121146 | NOE | California Fish and Game Commission (CDFGC) | Importation of Live Aquatic Plants and Animals for Research Purposes | |
2024121145 | NOE | City of Los Banos | AG Sports Complex Pickleball Courts | |
2024121144 | NOE | City of Bakersfield | Site Plan Review No. PP-SPR-24-0040 | |
2024121143 | NOE | City of Bakersfield | Site Plan Review No. PP-SPR-24-0041 | |
2012082046 | NOD | Placer County Water Agency | North Fork Long Canyon and South Fork Long Canyon Diversion Modification Projects Notice of Determination | |
2024121142 | NOE | City of Lincoln | Custom Grading Inc. Design Review (PLN24-00018) | |
2024121141 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 2 (DOT) | Directors Order 02-1K680 | |
2024121140 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 2 (DOT) | Directors Order 02-1K850 | |
2024121139 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 2 (DOT) | Directors Order 02-1K970 | |
2024121138 | NOE | City of Atascadero | USE24-0086, MP Paso Mixed Use | |
2024121137 | NOE | City of Redding | Repairs on Buckeye Water Treatment Plant Filters 5-8 | |
2024121136 | MND | Central Basin Municipal Water District | Central Basin Municipal Water District Proposition 1 Recycled Water Customer Conversion for Disadvantaged Communities Project | |
2009012070 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 1 (DOT) | Richardson Grove U.S. 101 STAA Operational Improvement Project EA 01-46480 (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-HUM-53994-R1C) | |
2024121135 | NOE | City of Redding | Redding Power Plant Natural Gas Pipeline Inspections | |
2024121134 | NOE | City of Redding | Redding Electric Utility (REU) Substation Fencing Project Phase 3 | |
2024121133 | NOE | City of Redding | Corporation Yard HVAC Upgrade | |
2024121132 | MND | City of Williams | Williams Electric Vehicle and Low Carbon Fuels Travel Center | |
2023030679 | EIR | City of Stockton | Mariposa Industrial Park #2 | |
2024121131 | MND | City of Bell Gardens | Well No. 1 Improvements Project | |
2024121130 | NOE | Redway Community Service District | RCSD RAW WATER INTAKE CDFW NOTIFICATION | |
2024121129 | NOE | State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Quality | TD2061417 Mead Valley Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project | |
2023050468 | NOD | Santa Barbara County | Montecito YMCA Master Plan | |
2024121128 | NOE | Ventura County | Lugo Mixed-Use Project | |
2024121127 | NOE | State Water Resources Control Board | East Coachella Valley Sewer Consolidation Planning Project | |
2024121126 | NOE | Santa Barbara County | Brown Parking Modification | |
2024121125 | NOE | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | Transfer of Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District’s State Water Project Article 56 Carryover Water to Tulare Lake Basin WSD | |
2024121124 | NOP | Sonoma County | County Administration Center Redevelopment Project | |
2024121123 | NOE | Santa Barbara County | 3798 Via Real Fire Suppression Water Tank | |
2024121122 | MND | Sacramento County | PLNP2023-00054 Vang Property Rezone and Parcel Map | |
2024121121 | NOE | Santa Barbara County | Cookie Trust Addition | |
2024121120 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | Wildlife Habitat and Community Resilience on Working Lands – Roots #154 | |
2024121119 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | Building Wildlife-Friendly Resilience in Working Landscapes - Roots 130 | |
2024121118 | MND | Fairfield Suisun Sewer District | Kellogg Resiliency Project | |
2024121117 | MND | City of Modesto | Stanislaus Elementary School 1,2,3-TCP Mitigation Project | |
2024121116 | MND | Santa Clara Valley Water District | Vasona Pump Station Upgrade Project | |
2024121115 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | Wildlife Habitat and Community Resilience on Working Lands – Roots #125 | |
2024121114 | NOD | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-MEN-54678-R1 for Timber Harvesting Plan (THP) 1-24-00111-MEN | |
2024051087 | NOD | Stanislaus County | Tentative Map Application No. PLN2024-0014 - FQC, Inc. | |
2017071022 | NOD | City of San Diego | Otay Reed Mitigation Site | |
2024121113 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | Building Wildlife-Friendly Resilience in Working Landscapes - Roots 122 | |
2024121112 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | Wildlife Habitat and Community Resilience on Working Lands – Roots #119 | |
2024121111 | NOE | City of San Clemente | Recycled Water Quality Improvement Project | |
2024121110 | NOE | California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) | Building Wildlife-Friendly Resilience in Working Landscapes - Roots 113 | |
2024121109 | NOE | University of California | Acquisition of 7301, 7325 and 7345 Medical Center Drive, West Hills MOB | |
2024121108 | NOE | City of Riverside | Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Mitigation Bank Pilot Program | |
2018058030 | NOE | State Water Resources Control Board | Miller Rd. 1.5 Million Gallon Water Storage Reservoir Replacement Project | |
2021060606 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 9 (DOT) | Bishop Pavement Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-INY-46607-R6, Amendment No. 1) | |
2024121107 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Northern and Eureka Region 1 (CDFW) | Osburn Stream Restoration Project (Notification of Lake or Streambed Alteration, No. EPIMS-MEN- 52925-R1C) | |
2024090288 | MND | Calaveras County | Conditional Use Permit 2024-013 for Jeremy and Lynette Covey-Smith dba 4 Horse Ranch | |
2024121106 | NOE | Siskiyou County Flood Control and Water Conservation District | Shasta Recharge Project | |
2024121105 | NOE | California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Sacramento Region 5 (RWQCB) | Wastewater Collection System Stabilization Project | |
2021060397 | NOD | City of Hesperia | I-15 Industrial Park Site No. 1 Project (Western Joshua Tree Conservation Act (WJTCA) Incidental Take Permit No. 1927-ITP-2023-023-06 (ITP)) | |
2015102005 | NOD | Humboldt County | Medical Marijuana Land Use Ordinance - Phase IV | |
2015102005 | NOD | Humboldt County | Medical Marijuana Land Use Ordinance--Phase IV | |
2024110044 | NOD | City of Clovis | RO311, R2024-006, TM6482, PDP2024-002 | |
2024101064 | NOD | City of Santa Maria | Planes of Fame Air Museum | |
2020010388 | NOD | Placer County | Yankee Jims Bridge Replacement (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2021-076-02 (ITP)) | |
1993121032 | NOD | City of San Diego | University of San Diego (USD) Master Plan Amendment | |
2024121104 | NOD | City of San Diego | 3060 Carmel Valley Road | |
2024121103 | NOE | City of San Mateo | Marina Branch Library Restoration Project | |
2024121102 | NOE | California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery | Concurrence in issuance of a revised Solid Waste Facilities Permit (SWFP) for Highway 59 Landfill, SWIS No. 24-AA-0001 | |
2024121101 | NOE | Tulare County | Minor Modification No. MIM 24-015 for PSP 21-072 (AA). | |
2024121100 | NOE | Tulare County | Minor Modification No. MIM 24-014 for PSP 21-071 (AA). | |
2024121099 | NOE | City of Corona | PFAS Removal Project | |
2024121098 | NOE | City of Carlsbad | CDP 2024-0027 (DEV 2024-0083) – OLIVER ADU | |
2024121097 | NOE | City of San Marcos | WTFA24-0001 - Wireless Telecommunications Facility Administrative Permit | |
2024121096 | NOE | San Luis Obispo County | Bob Jones Trail Maintenance Project (350181/ED24-202) | |
2024121095 | NOE | City of Watsonville | Watsonville WWTF Headworks and Influent Pump Station Replacement Project | |
2024121094 | NOE | California Department of Conservation (DOC) | 604201_Group_PG&E_UGS | |
2024121093 | CON | City of Hanford | Copper Ridge Residential and Commercial Project | |
2024010068 | EIR | City of Palm Springs | First Palm Springs Commerce Center | |
2024121092 | MND | City of Baldwin Park | 3100 Baldwin Park Boulevard Digital Billboard Project | |
2004101090 | ADM | Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency | Nimbus/Deane Tank No. 2 Project (part of Skyline Ranch Project) | |
2024121091 | MND | California Department of Transportation, District 5 (DOT) | South Santa Cruz 9 Capital Preventive Maintenance Project | |
2002051010 | MND | California State University, San Diego (SDSU) | San Diego State University Imperial Valley Off-Campus Center - Calexico, Affordable Student Housing Project | |
2024121090 | MND | City of Rialto | Rialto & Linden Industrial Warehouse Project | |
2020090561 | EIR | City of Stockton | South Stockton Commerce Center | |
2024121089 | MND | City of Clearlake | Gas Station Island with Canopy, Convenience Store and Drive through Car Wash | |
2021120187 | NOD | City of San Rafael | Northgate Mall Redevelopment Project | |
2021080569 | MND | Stanislaus County | USE PERMIT APPLICATION NO. PLN2021-0012 – WEST MAIN COMPOST | |
2018101029 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 12 (DOT) | State Route 57 Northbound Improvement Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No.EPIMS-ORA-43058-R5 | |
2019099029 | NOD | San Luis Obispo County | T-Dub Farms Minor Use Permit (AMEND2023-00009 / DRC2018-00043 / ED24-142) | |
2024121088 | NOE | Riverside County | Willard Street Construction | |
2024121087 | NOE | Department of General Services (DGS) | Chiller and Cooling Tower Replacement | |
2024121086 | NOE | California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region 9 (RWQCB) | MGBW Breakwater Repair Project | |
2024121085 | NOE | Kern County | PP25121 SPA96, ZCC207, MOD TO PD 27, MAP 101 GERARDO MAYA SAENZ BY PORTER AND ASSOCIATES | |
2024121084 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, North Central Region 2 (CDFW) | Eisenmann Project (Lake Alteration Agreement EPIMS Notification No. LAK-55296-R2) | |
2024121083 | NOE | San Joaquin County | North 99 Frontage Road West Resurfacing | |
2024121082 | NOE | California Department of Conservation (DOC) | 601209_Group_PCEC_P&A | |
2024121081 | NOE | Orange County Water District | City of Garden Grove Wells 22, 26 and 27 PFAS Treatment Systems Project | |
2024121080 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, North Central Region 2 (CDFW) | Altnow Pier Extension (Lake Alteration Agreement EPIMS Notification No. ELD-53639-R2) | |
2024121079 | NOE | San Joaquin County | Liberty Road Improvements 2025 | |
2024121078 | NOE | San Joaquin County | Graham Road and Pearl Road Resurfacing 2025 | |
2024121077 | NOE | San Luis Obispo County | Bachmann Lot Line Adjustment (N-SUB2024-00027 / COAL23-0041 / ED24-161) | |
2024121076 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | 9701 South Main Street Removal Action Workplan | |
2024121075 | NOE | Fresno County | Environmental Review No. 8627 (Amendment to Text No. 389) | |
2024121074 | NOE | Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (DPW) | Camp Afflerbaugh Closed-Circuit Television Project | |
2024121073 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 3 (DOT) | Roseville MS Structure Replacements | |
2024121072 | NOE | State Water Resources Control Board | Chualar Wastewater Consolidation Project | |
2024121071 | NOE | Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District | ADOPTION OF RULE 2.46 - ORGANIC WASTE COMPOSTING OPERATIONS | |
2024121070 | NOE | City of McFarland | A Beacon of Light for Blanco Park | |
2024121069 | NOE | City of McFarland | Revitalization of Munoz Park | |
2024121068 | NOE | City of Long Beach | PLNE53054 | |
1994071005 | NOD | City of Tustin | Tustin Legacy Specific Plan Amendment | |
2024020969 | NOD | City of Tustin | The Market Place Rezone Project (GPA-2024-0001 and SPA-2024-0001) | |
2022090465 | NOD | City of Gridley | Minor Alteration No. WA2023035 Gridley Feather River Sewer Crossing Geotechnical Investigation | |
2024020747 | NOD | City of Tustin | Enderle Center Rezone Project | |
2024071066 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 8 (DOT) | Interstate 15 Drainage System Rehabilitation | |
2015102005 | NOD | Humboldt County | Medical Marijuana Land Use Ordinance - Phase IV | |
2024060954 | NOD | City of Bakersfield | Zone Change No. 22-0025 | |
2009091126 | NOD | California High Speed Rail Authority | California High-Speed Train Project: Fresno to Bakersfield Major Amendment No. 31 (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2015-024-04 | |
2009011089 | NOD | City of Parlier | Zoning Code Updates Related to Housing Element Program Implementation | |
2009011089 | NOD | City of Parlier | The City of Parlier 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element | |
2024121067 | NOD | Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (DPW) | MacLaren Community Park | |
2012082046 | NOD | Placer County Water Agency | North and South Fork Long Canyon Diversion Improvement (Streambed Alteration Agreement EPIMS Notification No. PLA-46859-R2) | |
2024121066 | NOP | City of Campbell | Campbell Tech Park Project | |
2024121065 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Project at DPR Millerton Lake State Recreation Area | |
2024121064 | NOE | University of California | Acquisition of 1100 Kettner Boulevard, San Diego | |
2024121063 | NOE | City of Bakersfield | Site Plan Review 24-60000089 | |
2024121062 | NOE | Fresno County | Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Fresno and City of Fresno | |
2024121061 | NOE | California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery | Coachella Valley Unpermitted Disposal Site Remediation | |
2024121060 | NOE | Department of Consumer Affairs | BAR - Santa Ana Storage Facility | |
2024121059 | NOE | City of Bakersfield | Site Plan Review PP-SPR-24-0075 | |
2024121058 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, South Coast Region 5 (CDFW) | Municipal Waterways Maintenance Plan (Streambed Alteration Agreement, No. 1600-2019-0226- R5) | |
2024121057 | NOE | San Bernardino County | Amendment No. 9 to Lease Agreement No. 00-269 with Celeste Lajoinie for Preschool Services in Apple Valley. | |
2024121056 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 320030 | |
2024121055 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 310194 | |
2024121054 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCRCORE RECORD NO. 310165 | |
2024121053 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 310160 | |
2024121052 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 310139 | |
2024121051 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 310116 | |
2024121050 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 310032 | |
2024121049 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 101811 | |
2024121048 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 101785 | |
2024121047 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 101764 | |
2024121046 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 101757 | |
2024121045 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 100634 | |
2024121044 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 100630 | |
2024121043 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 100045 | |
2024121042 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 100027 | |
2024121041 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 100025 | |
2024121040 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 100004 | |
2024121039 | NOE | San Bernardino County | Amendment No. 2 to Lease Agreement No. 09- 1112 with the City of Adelanto for Office Space in Adelanto | |
2024121038 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 320029 | |
2024121037 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 320006 | |
2024121036 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 310171 | |
2024121035 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 310056 | |
2024121034 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 110040 | |
2024121033 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 101790 | |
2024121032 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 101781 | |
2024121031 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 101768 | |
2024121030 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 101751 | |
2024121029 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 100637 | |
2024121028 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 100624 | |
2024121027 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 100621 | |
2024121026 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 100071 | |
2024121025 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 100067 | |
2024121024 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 100065 | |
2024121023 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 100059 | |
2024121022 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 100041 | |
2024121021 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 100033 | |
2024121020 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO.100011 | |
2024121019 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 100088 | |
2024121018 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 100074 | |
2024121017 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 100029 | |
2024121016 | NOE | City of Los Angeles | DCR CORE RECORD NO. 100023 | |
2024121015 | NOE | City of Yreka | City of Yreka Greenhorn Park Fuels Reduction | |
2024121014 | NOE | San Bernardino County | Bi-Plane Angio Room 10.10.0248 | |
2024121013 | MND | City of Pittsburg | Quick Quack Car Wash | |
2024121012 | NOE | City of Ceres | 24-29 (Lot Line Adjustment) | |
2024121011 | NOE | City of San Mateo | Gateway Park Pedestrian Bridge Replacement Project | |
2024121010 | NOE | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | AIR HANDLER REPLACEMENT AHU B4-1 AND AHU B4-2 | |
2024121009 | NOE | California Department of State Hospitals (DSH) | Fire Suppression Phase 2 | |
2024121008 | NOE | California Department of State Hospitals (DSH) | Shade Structure | |
2024121007 | NOE | California Highway Patrol (CHP) | CHP SANTA BARBARA FIELD OFFICE RE-ROOF | |
2024121006 | NOE | California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) | A2C Agriculture, LLC | |
2024121005 | NOE | Napa County | 4169 Heitz Way LLC, Track I Replant | |
2024121004 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Northern and Eureka Region 1 (CDFW) | Gonzales Stream Crossing Maintenance Project (Notification of Lake or Streambed Alteration, No. EPIMS-MEN-53582-R1C) |