SCH Number 2010012027

Project Info

Lower San Joaquin River Reach TS_30_L Levee Improvement Project
This Draft SEIR is a supplement to the San Joaquin River Basin, Lower San Joaquin River (LSJR) Integrated Interim Feasibility Report/Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (2018 LSJR FR/EIS/EIR). The Modified Project is one of six sub-reaches identified and evaluated within the 2018 LSJR FR/EIS/EIR Alternative 7a's Delta Front reach. It Includes approximately 1 mile of cutoff wall construction, levee reshaping, and runoff erosion protection of the TS_30_L levee, as well as development of a borrow site, barge off-haul site, two co-located staging and stockpile areas, and haul routes. This Draft SEIR also evaluates five potential biological mitigation to fulfill the Modified Project's compensatory mitigation requirements: three sites are evaluated at a project-level of detail and two sites are evaluated at a program-level of detail.
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7 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Joaquin County Area Flood Control Agency Lower San Joaquin River Reach TS30L Levee Improvement Project
San Joaquin County Area Flood Control Agency Lower San Joaquin River Reach TS30L Levee Improvement Project
San Joaquin County Area Flood Control Agency Lower San Joaquin River Reach TS_30_L Levee Improvement Project
San Joaquin County Area Flood Control Agency Lower San Joaquin River Feasibility Study
San Joaquin County Area Flood Control Agency Lower San Joaquin River Feasibility Study
San Joaquin County Area Flood Control Agency Lower San Joaquin River Feasibility Study
San Joaquin County Area Flood Control Agency Lower San Joaquin River Feasibility Study