SCH Number 2019049030

Project Info

Northwest Corner (NWC) Broad and Tank Farm Mixed-Use Commercial/Assisted Living Project
General Plan Amendment & Rezone & Specific Plan Amendment from Business Park (BP-SP) to Community Commercial with Special Focus Overlay (C-C-SF-SP); Vesting Tentative Map (Tract 3115) to create five (5) lots; assisted living facility with 139 units; commercial lots with development totaling 60,000 square feet (future entitlement) and creek setback exception.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Luis Obispo Northwest Corner (NWC) Broad and Tank Farm Mixed-Use Commercial/Assisted Living Project
City of San Luis Obispo Northwest Corner (NWC) Broad and Tank Farm Mixed-Use Commercial/Assisted Living Project
San Luis Obispo County Northwest Corner (NWC) Broad and Tank Farm Mixed-use Commercial/Assisted Livinq Project
City of San Luis Obispo Northwest Corner (NWC) Broad and Tank Farm Mixed-use Commercial/Assisted Living Project
San Luis Obispo County Northwest Corner (NWC) Broad and Tank Farm Mixed-use Commercial/Assisted Living Project