SCH Number 2020059008

Project Info

Public Review Draft Environmental Impact Report - Aramis Solar
The proposed project would generate 100 megawatts (MW) of solar photovoltaic (PV) renewable energy on approximately 410 acres of privately-owned land. The proposed project includes the construction and operation of a utility-scale solar energy facility and battery energy storage system and a parcel map subdivision. The solar facility would be comprised of the PV modules and associated energy collection system; project substation; battery energy storage system; and a generation intertie (gen-tie) line to connect to the existing PG&E Cayetano substation. An onsite operations and maintenance (O&M) building would be located adjacent to the north side of the proposed project substation and would accommodate up to four permanent operation and maintenance staff. Access to the project site would be provided via all-weather, rocked driveway aprons at four access points along Manning Road, two access points along North Livermore Avenue, and one access point along Hartman Road. The project components would be enclosed by security fencing. The undeveloped areas would be available for sheep grazing and may be intermittently grazed or left fallow. Water for project construction, operation, and decommissioning would be obtained via on-site groundwater wells in the Livermore Valley Groundwater Basin and/or water purchased from an off-site water purveyor and trucked to the project site. Construction of the proposed project is expected to occur in four phases over a nine-month period.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Alameda County Aramis Solar Energy Generation and Storage Project (California Endangered Species Act (CESA) Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2021-093-03 (ITP))
Alameda County Notice of Determination - Aramis Solar
Alameda County Aramis Solar Energy Generation and Storage Project
Alameda County Public Review Draft Environmental Impact Report - Aramis Solar
Alameda County Aramis Solar Energy Generation and Storage Project- PLN2017-00174