SCH Number 2024120559
Project Info
- Title
- Flume Creek CAPM - CEQA Initial Study with Mitigated Negative Declaration
- Description
- The California Department of Transportation, using federal and state funding, proposes to rehabilitate Interstate 5 (I-5) through repaving activities, structural repairs, drainage improvements, and construction of supporting infrastructure. The limits of work occur between post miles 58.0 and 67.019 in Shasta County, and post miles 0.0 and 2.7 in Siskiyou County. The proposed project would include the following improvements: Roadway Improvements • Overlay activities – rubberized hot-mixed asphalt o Overlay roadway, including the shoulders and median o Conform on- and off-ramps o Perform digouts at various locations • Install shoulder backing to support edge of pavement • Repair approximately 100 rocking concrete slabs • Seal parking area at PM 62.36 Structures Project implementation would include rehabilitation of the Castle Creek Bridge (PM 63.31) and Castella Bridge (PM 63.58) as follows: • Install a 4.5-inch reinforced concrete 'deck-on-deck' with a 1-inch polyester concrete overlay • Upgrade the existing bridge railing • Replace the existing median barrier • Construct new approach slabs Signs and Delineation • Upgrade/replace signs to current standards. • Install/apply recessed retroreflective pavement markers, as well as sprayable thermoplastic pavement striping/marking throughout the project corridor. Traffic Safety • Replace metal beam guardrail with Midwest Guardrail System steel-post guardrail in-place, and transition railing at bridge sites. • Remove and replace approximately 11 miles of median barrier. The current median barrier height varies between 26 and 35 inches. To meet current standards, the median barrier height would be increased to 42 inches. Transportation Management Systems Upgrade the existing Road Weather Information System and Closed-Circuit Television stations in the community of Dunsmuir (PM 2.61). Replace ±30 damaged loops at the existing traffic monitoring stations. Lighting As part of the proposed project, seven new luminaires would be installed, and 13 luminaires replaced along various off-ramps. Luminaire installation would include minor trenching to provide power. The lighting locations/improvements are summarized in Table 1. Table 1. Proposed Lighting Improvements Luminaire Location Replace Add Flume Creek Road - Northbound off-ramp 1 1 Conant Road - Southbound off-ramp 1 1 Sweetbrier Avenue - Northbound off-ramp 1 1 Sweetbrier Avenue - Southbound off-ramp 1 1 Castella - Northbound off-ramp 2 ? Castella - Southbound off-ramp 1 1 Soda Creek Road - Northbound off-ramp 1 1 Soda Creek Road - Southbound off-ramp 1 1 Crag View Drive - Northbound off-ramp 2 ? Central Dunsmuir - Northbound off-ramp 2 ? Total: 13 7 Disposal/Borrow Sites Project implementation would include approximately seven acres of ground disturbance; with a maximum excavation depth estimated at 10 feet. Excess soil material and construction debris would become the property of the contractor. No disposal and/or borrow sites are proposed. Drainage Improvements As part of the proposed project, drainage improvements, consisting of culvert installation/replacement, liner installation, drainage inlet replacement, headwall installation, and downdrain replacement, would be performed on 81 drainage systems. Additionally, various drainage inlets may need to be adjusted to grade. Further, culvert replacement activities may necessitate temporary clearwater diversions. The proposed drainage improvements would require vegetation removal. A detailed description of the proposed drainage improvements is provided below in Table 2. Culvert systems are often comprised of multiple segments, which are separated by drainage inlets or other structures. Culvert segments subject to replacement, including the number of drainage inlets are identified in the table. Slope Stabilization To address minor settling in the northbound lane at PM 1.1 in Siskiyou County, the roadway would be excavated and stabilized through construction of a geosynthetic reinforced embankment (GRE). The roadway would be excavated and backfilled in alternating horizontal layers of fill soil and geosynthetic reinforcement. The layers would extend up to the structural portion of the roadway. A drainage system would be included in the GRE. Wildlife Management Wildlife Crossing A 12-foot-wide by 12-foot-tall reinforced concrete box culvert would be installed at PM 65.88 via cut and cover to allow wildlife to safely cross the highway. Wildlife Fencing An eight-foot-tall chain-link fence or other applicable fence type would be installed to direct wildlife under I-5. Wildlife fencing would be installed in conjunction with the proposed wildlife crossing. The estimated limits are included below. • West of Highway—PMs 65.45 to 66.17 • East of Highway—PMs 65.45 to 66.10 To improve safety for animals and the traveling public, fence installation would include jump outs and/or deer gates, while the median barrier would include intermittent gaps along the length to allow wildlife to exit the roadway. Both elements would reduce the potential for wildlife to become trapped on the highway. Additionally, the fence design would include vehicle and/or pedestrian gates to accommodate maintenance activities. New Impervious Area The new impervious area is estimated at 0.01 acres. Staging Four staging areas have been identified along the project corridor: PMs 60.47 (northbound), 61.65 (northbound), 65.41 (southbound), and 0.95 (southbound). Utilities Within the project limits, I-5 supports overhead and underground utilities, including electric and fiber optic lines. Culvert replacement activities at PM 2.65 would require relocating an existing fiber optic line. Right of Way Caltrans would acquire temporary construction easements, including right-of-way acquisition at various locations to accommodate project activities. Traffic Management Project construction would utilize lane and ramp closures as needed. Schedule The work would be completed in three construction seasons and would require approximately 360 working days
2 documents in project