SCH Number 2021110015

Project Info

Violet Street Creative Office Campus Project FEIR
The Violet Street Creative Office Campus Project (Project) is for the redevelopment and expansion of an existing office campus on an approximately 6.3-acre site. New construction includes a 13-story, 450,599-square-foot building comprised of 435,100 square feet of office uses, 15,499 square feet of ground floor retail and/or restaurant uses, and four subterranean and two above-grade levels of parking, which would require the demolition of warehouse and office uses and associated surface parking, all located on the southwest portion of the Project Site. In addition, a Future Campus Expansion Phase could allow for up to 211,201 square feet of additional office and restaurant uses, which would require the demolition of an existing office building, located at the corner of Violet Street and Santa Fe Avenue. The existing 244,795 square-foot Warner Music Group building (originally the Ford Factory building, a designated historic resource) and a five-story parking garage would be retained as part of the Project.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Los Angeles Violet Street Creative Office Campus Project FEIR
City of Los Angeles Violet Street Creative Office Campus Project
City of Los Angeles Violet Street Office Campus Project