SCH Number 2023030788

Project Info

Sierra Distribution Facility Project
The Project includes the development of a 398,514-square foot warehouse building within an approximately 18.3-net acre site, with associated facilities and improvements that include approximately 10,000 square feet of office space, vehicle parking, loading dock doors, trailer parking, on-site landscaping, and related on-site and off-site improvements. The single building for the Project would maintain a typical height of 48 feet with a maximum allowed of 75 feet. The Project would have a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 0.5 and can have a maximum FAR of 0.6. Landscaping would be provided on approximately 21.4 percent (85,181 square feet) of the Project site. Fifty-four dock-high doors would be constructed along the majority of the south building wall and 125 auto parking stalls, and 118 trailer parking stalls would be provided.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Fontana Sierra Distribution Facility Project
City of Fontana Sierra Distribution Facility Project