SCH Number 2016112065

Project Info

Estates at Ross Ranch Development Project
The objective for the project is to provide additional housing opportunities within the Town that are consistent with the project site’s 2040 General Plan’s ER land use designation. The proposed project would not require amendments to the Town’s General Plan, Municipal Code, or Zoning Ordinance. The project would subdivide the site into 31 single family lots, 30 of which would be buildable. The one remaining lot could not be developed until the agricultural land to the south is annexed into the Town and the agricultural use ceases. Subdivided lots would range in size from 12,200 to 40,874 square feet. Water and sewer for the project would be provided by the Town of Windsor and all utilities would be underground. The project would include a 100-foot agricultural buffer along the southern and eastern boundary of the project site. The Town of Windsor Zoning Ordinance requires an agricultural buffer of 200-feet but allows the width of the buffer to be reduced to a minimum of 100-feet in certain circumstances with Town Council approval.
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8 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Town of Windsor Town of Windsor Zoning Code Update
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Town of Windsor Estates at Ross Ranch Development Project
Town of Windsor Estates at Ross Ranch Development Project
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