Thursday, August 18, 2011

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67 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2004092032 Alameda County Resource Conservation District (ACRCD) Alameda County Partners in Restoration Permit Coordination Program
2011088214 California Department of Transportation, District 4 Highway 101 Drainage Improvements
2011081065 Cawelo Water District The Discharge of Blended Oilfield Produced Water in the Famoso Groundwater Banking Project Basins of Cawelo Water District
2011088192 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2011-0116-R1 Walgamuth Pond Project
2011088191 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2011-0097-R1, Salt Creek Road Storm Drain Replacement.
2011089013 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2010-0049-R1 Collins Pine Company Master Timber Harvesting Operation
2011081063 Jurupa Community Services District Jurupa Community Services District-Rubidoux Community Services District Interconnection Booster Pump Station and Pipeline Project
2011081068 City of Los Angeles ENV-2011-1673-MND
2010011044 City of Los Angeles Beverly & Fairfax Mixed-Use Project
2011081067 City of Los Angeles 1611 W. 190th Street
2011081066 City of Los Angeles 605 Gaffey Street
2011042031 City of Los Gatos 90-160 Albright Way and 14600 Winchester Boulevard
2011088208 California Department of Parks and Recreation Restoration - Meccacopia/Chuckwalla Planning
2011088228 California Department of Parks and Recreation Bishop Field Office Wilderness Route Restoration
2011088205 California Department of Parks and Recreation El Mirage OHV Area Ground Operations
2011088211 California Department of Parks and Recreation Western Riverside Kiosk Development Project
2011088234 California Department of Parks and Recreation Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area Restoration Project
2011088194 California Department of Parks and Recreation Needles Field Office, Ground Operatios - General maintenance
2011088231 California Department of Parks and Recreation Bishop Field Office Ground Operations - Trail Maintenance 2011
2011088217 California Department of Parks and Recreation Install Four Entrance Road Gates
2011088225 California Department of Parks and Recreation Chappie-Shasta OHV Area Acquisition 10/11
2011088202 California Department of Parks and Recreation El Mirage OHV Education and Safety Project
2011088229 California Department of Parks and Recreation Manzanar Japanese Internment Camp Restoration
2011088206 California Department of Parks and Recreation Stoddard & Johnson Valleys and the Rasor OHV Areas Ground Operations
2011088226 California Department of Parks and Recreation Jawbone Canyon and Dove Springs Restoration
2011088212 California Department of Parks and Recreation Samoa Dunes Ground Operations
2011088209 California Department of Parks and Recreation Restoration - Windy Point Restoration
2011088232 California Department of Parks and Recreation Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area Safety Support
2011088223 California Department of Parks and Recreation Motion Creek Stream Crossing Improvement Planning
2011088200 California Department of Parks and Recreation Cencal Bat Monitoring-Mines in OHV Areas
2011088220 California Department of Parks and Recreation Fort Sage SRMA Ground Operations
2011088203 California Department of Parks and Recreation Barstow Field Office Area-wide Restoration
2011088197 California Department of Parks and Recreation OHV Air Quality Monitoring - West Mojave Desert
2011088237 California Department of Parks and Recreation Needles Field Office Education and Safety
2011088221 California Department of Parks and Recreation Fort Sage SRMA ADA Toilet Installation
2011088207 California Department of Parks and Recreation Restoration - OHV Dos Palmas Fence Restoration
2011088219 California Department of Parks and Recreation Restoration Planning - Wilderness Study Areas
2011088239 California Department of Parks and Recreation Planning - Kiosk and Dispersed Camping Site Inventory and Development
2011088216 California Department of Parks and Recreation Issue a Right of Entry Permit to Crown Castle
2011088193 California Department of Parks and Recreation Needles Field Office, Ground Operations - Soil & HMP Implementation
2011088230 California Department of Parks and Recreation Lone Pine Native Propagation Center
2011088233 California Department of Parks and Recreation Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area Kiosk Installation
2011088210 California Department of Parks and Recreation Ground Operations - Designated Route Signing Imprlementation
2011088227 California Department of Parks and Recreation Jawbone Canyon and Dove Springs Ground Operations
2011088204 California Department of Parks and Recreation Dumont Dunes OHV Area Ground Operations
2011088224 California Department of Parks and Recreation Chappie-Shasta OHV Area Ground Operations 10/11
2011088201 California Department of Parks and Recreation Dumont Dunes and El Mirage OHV Areas Safety Project
2011088236 California Department of Parks and Recreation Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area Ground Operations
2011088196 California Department of Parks and Recreation Pacific Crest Trail Restoration Planning
2011088195 California Department of Parks and Recreation South Cow Mountain and Knoxville Recreation Area Ground Operations
2011088222 California Department of Parks and Recreation Fort Sage SRMA Acquisition
2011088199 California Department of Parks and Recreation Monitoring Desert Tortoise-Johnson Valley Area
2011088238 California Department of Parks and Recreation Restoration - West Ivanpah Dry Lake Enhancement Project
2011088215 California Department of Parks and Recreation Preservation of Minnesota Cabin at Gilroy Hot Springs
2011088235 California Department of Parks and Recreation Yuha and East Mesa ACEC Restoration
2011088198 California Department of Parks and Recreation BIrd Monitoring - Sonoran Desert near OHV Areas
2011088218 California Department of Parks and Recreation Entrance Road Gate Installation
2011088213 Pine Cove Water District Water Supply Permit Update
2011088240 California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Replacement Well
2004092050 Sacramento County Zone 40 Central Surface and Groundwater Treatment Plant, Pipelines and Corporation Yard
2011081062 San Diego County Henning Three (3) Lot Subdivision
2011081064 San Diego County Bush Minor Subdivision; 3200 21125 (TPM)
2011081069 San Diego County McCandless Tentative Parcel Map
2011082047 City and County of San Francisco 89 Belgrave Avenue
2008091026 San Luis Obispo County CA Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2011-041-04 (ITP)
2011061036 San Luis Obispo County McCarthy Development Plan/ Coastal Development Permit DRC2009-00095
2011082046 Sotoyome Resource Conservation District Crane Creek Fish Passage Improvement Project