SCH Number 2011082046

Project Info

Crane Creek Fish Passage Improvement Project
The project is limited to the enhancement of five step pools to improve fish passage conditions for adult salmonids running at an ~7.5 percent channel slope for 137 feet. Existing pools will be deepened and widened to create hydraulic conditions that are favorable for adult salmonid migration. This design would follow the existing bedrock chute that hugs the right side of the channel and would leave a majority of the existing bedrock waterfall in place. The height of the existing steps are outside of the DFG and NMFS fish passage criteria but would still greatly improve adult fish passage and provide summer rearing habitat for out-migrating juvenile salmonids. The CA DFG is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement Number 1600-2009-0094-R3, pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project applicant, Sonoma County Water Agency.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Sotoyome Resource Conservation District Crane Creek Fish Passage Improvement Project
Sotoyome Resource Conservation District Crane Creek Fish Passage Improvement Project
Sotoyome Resource Conservation District Crane Creek Fish Passage Improvement Project