Thursday, September 1, 2011

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83 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2011061060 City of Burbank Reservoir No. 1 Reconstruction Project
2011098003 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Bridge Maintenance Rehab Project
2007041061 City of Escondido Citracado Parkway Extension Project
2011098061 Department of General Services (DGS) AT&T Mobility Antenna Installation
2011091002 City of Indio Las Montanas Marketplace
2011091003 City of Los Angeles ZA-2011-1928-CU and ENV-2011-1929-MND
2010122045 Nevada Irrigation District Lower Division Water Rights Licensing
2011072050 Nevada Irrigation District Banner-Taylor Reservoir Restoration Project
2011098044 California Department of Parks and Recreation San Bernardino National Forest, Cactus Flats Loop Trail NEPA
2011098021 California Department of Parks and Recreation Pilot Creek OHV Area Ground Operations
2011098027 California Department of Parks and Recreation Plumas National Forest Lake Davis Recreation Management Plan
2011098013 California Department of Parks and Recreation Planning - Rubicon Trail Easement
2011098050 California Department of Parks and Recreation Bridgeport and Carson Ranger District Ground Operations
2011098033 California Department of Parks and Recreation Sonora Pass Area Wildlife Monitoring
2011098053 California Department of Parks and Recreation Twomile Restoration Environmental Review
2011098030 California Department of Parks and Recreation Whitlock Ravine and Snake Lake Staging Area Improvements
2011098038 California Department of Parks and Recreation Mojave National Preserve and Razor Road OHV Areas Education and Safety
2011098015 California Department of Parks and Recreation Rock Creek Vault Toilets
2011098058 California Department of Parks and Recreation Interface OHV Parking Area Improvements
2011098035 California Department of Parks and Recreation Wet Weather Strategy Planning
2011098012 California Department of Parks and Recreation South Fork Rubicon River Closed Route Restoration
2011098018 California Department of Parks and Recreation Tahoe National Forest, Ground Operations
2011098055 California Department of Parks and Recreation Jones Meadow Restoration Environmental Review
2011098046 California Department of Parks and Recreation San Bernardino National Forest Cranston Work Center Developement
2011098052 California Department of Parks and Recreation Mi-Wok Restoration Environmental Review
2011098029 California Department of Parks and Recreation Plumas National Forest Ground Operations
2011098049 California Department of Parks and Recreation USFS Cleveland National Forest, Ground Operations - North
2011098026 California Department of Parks and Recreation Installation of an Interactive Education Kiosk
2011098032 California Department of Parks and Recreation Archaeological Site Stewardship Program
2011098041 California Department of Parks and Recreation San Bernardino National Forest Lytle Creek Unauthorized OHV Boulder Placement
2011098047 California Department of Parks and Recreation San Bernardino National Forest Shade Structure Development
2011098024 California Department of Parks and Recreation Kern River, Western Divide and Hume Lake Ranger Districts, Ground Operations
2011098045 California Department of Parks and Recreation San Bernardino National Forest Ground Operations
2011098022 California Department of Parks and Recreation Sequoia National Forest Education and Safety Support
2011098048 California Department of Parks and Recreation USFS Cleveland National Forest, Ground Operations - South
2011098025 California Department of Parks and Recreation Greenhorn Mountains and Kern Plateau Restroom Facilities
2011098059 California Department of Parks and Recreation Rock Creek/Poho Closed Route Restoration
2011098036 California Department of Parks and Recreation Goat Mountain Area Trail Restoration
2011098042 California Department of Parks and Recreation San Bernardino National Forest Inventoried Roadless Area Restoration Planning
2011098019 California Department of Parks and Recreation Lake Tahoe Basin Ground Operations
2011098056 California Department of Parks and Recreation Stanislaus National Forest Ground Operations
2011098016 California Department of Parks and Recreation Rock Creek Trail Reroutes
2011098039 California Department of Parks and Recreation Mojave National Preserve Fence Installation
2011098023 California Department of Parks and Recreation Boulder Gulch Camground Restoration
2011098037 California Department of Parks and Recreation Auk Auk Ridge Trail 44 Reroute Planning
2011098014 California Department of Parks and Recreation Eldorado National Forest Ground Operations
2011098051 California Department of Parks and Recreation Mi-Wok, Summit, and Groveland RDs Restoration Environmental Review
2011098057 California Department of Parks and Recreation Two Mile Development Environmental Review
2011098034 California Department of Parks and Recreation Enduro Destination Site Planning
2011098011 California Department of Parks and Recreation Silver Fork road Closed Route Restoration
2011098054 California Department of Parks and Recreation Liberty Hill Restoration Environmental Review
2011098060 California Department of Parks and Recreation Eldorado National Forest, Dutch Gasparni Closed Route Restoration
2011088325 California Department of Parks and Recreation Santa Lucia and Mount Pinos Ranger Districts, Ground Operations
2011098043 California Department of Parks and Recreation San Bernardino National Forest Deep Creek and Coxey Meadow Restoration
2011098020 California Department of Parks and Recreation Ground Operations, Invasive Plant Removal
2011098040 California Department of Parks and Recreation Chappie-Shasta OHV Area Restoration Planning
2011098017 California Department of Parks and Recreation Tahoe National Forest, Restoration, Pole Replacement
2011098031 California Department of Parks and Recreation Plumas Natinoal Forest OHV Campground Inprovements
2011098065 Placer County Water Agency American River Pump Station Erosion Repair
2011031027 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Crazy Horse Canyon Switching Station Project
2011098062 Puente Hills Landfill Native Habitat Preservation Authority Powder Canyon Drainage Maintenance, La Habra Heights
2011098002 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 1 (North Coast), Santa Rosa Riverfront Park Trail Repair-FEMA Repairs
2011098064 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 (Central Valley), Redding Pit 3 Dam PH-37A Weir Modification Project
2011051073 City of Salinas Environmentally Acceptable Food Packaging Ordinance (Environmental Review 2010-006)
2011091001 San Diego County Johnson Minor Subdivision; 3200 21160 (TPM); Log No. 09-09-003
2009042102 City and County of San Francisco Natural Areas Management Plan
2011062068 City of San Jose Moe's Stop Gas + Service Station
2004112063 Santa Cruz County Middle Watsonville Slough Wetland Enhancement Project
2011091004 City of Santa Monica Memorial Park Reservoir
2011071068 City of Santa Paula Santa Paula East Area 2 Annexation Project
2009072011 Shasta County Sierra Pacific Industries Cogeneration Power Project
2011098007 Solano County Minor Revision No. 1 to Use Permit No. U-10-05 of John Ramos
2011098008 Solano County Minor Revision No. 2 to Use Permit No. U-95-24 of Moore Tractor Company
2011098063 California Tahoe Conservancy Transfer of Coverage to El Dorado County APN 027-241-22 (Stanley)
2011062063 Thermalito Water and Sewer District East Trunk Sewer Replacement Project
2011072058 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Consolidation Cell Removal - Georgia-Pacific Fort Bragg Mill Site
2011098001 Fish & Game #2 Camino Heights Water Treatment Plant Roadway Crossing
2011098004 Fish & Game #3 805 South Eliseo Drive Bank Stabilization
2011098006 Fish & Game #3 Schackwitz Milliken Creek Streambank Stabilization
2011098005 Fish & Game #3 Trash Capture Demonstration Project
2011098009 Fish & Game #4 Agreement 2011-0100-R4 - Sullivan Creek School Sink Hole Repair Project
2011098010 Fish & Game #4 Agreement 2011-0104-R4 - Invasive Species Removal Project
2011098066 Fish & Game Eastern Sierra-Inland Deserts Region Roripaugh Ranch Project, Slope Stabilization and Sediment Removal