SCH Number 2011062063

Project Info

East Trunk Sewer Replacement Project
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife is executing Streambed Alteration Agreement number 1600-2013-0270-R2, pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project applicant, Thermalito Water and Sewer District. The overall Project consists of placing a new trunk line tandern to the existing sanitary sewer collection system where feasible, utilizing the existing rights-of-way and existing sanitary sewer collection system easements already in place. The replacement pipeline will be constructed of 12 inch and 15 inch Polyvinyl Chloride gravity sewer pipe; these larger pipe sizes will accommodate the current capacity deficiencies. Work within the jurisdiction of the Department will include temporary impacts to three unnamed ephemeral drainages that bisect the existing sewer line. Impacts are considered temporary since all trenched material will be backfilled and regarded to match pre-construction conditions. An excavator with a buck, no larger than three feet will be required to trench and backfill the area in which the new pipe will be installed.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Thermalito Water and Sewer District Thermalito Water and Sewer District East Trunk Interceptor Replacement Project; Streambed Alteration Agreement # 1600-2013-0270-R2
Thermalito Water and Sewer District Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) No. C-06-7646-110
Thermalito Water and Sewer District East Trunk Sewer Replacement Project
Thermalito Water and Sewer District East Trunk Sewer Replacement Project
Thermalito Water and Sewer District East Trunk Sewer Replacement Project
Thermalito Water and Sewer District East Trunk Sewer Replacement Project