Wednesday, June 29, 2011
- Received Date
- 2011-06-29
- Edit Search
170 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2011068274 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Considering Requesting The United States Department of Interior and The United States Department of Justice to Agree to Jointly Petition the United States | |
2011068357 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Recreational Pier Lease | |
2011068237 | NOE | Department of Developmental Services | Sonoma Developmental Center, Lighting and Equipment Upgrades | |
2011068297 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider Acceptance of an Offer of Dedication of Lateral Access Easement | |
2011068260 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Cosider Acceptance of a Quitclaim Deed for a Parcel of Land (APN 040-222-007) Located Within the Bed of the San Joaquin River, Fresno and Madera Counties | |
2011068320 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Non-Commercial Use | |
2008092051 | NOD | City of Folsom | Folsom South of U.S. Highway 50 Specific Plan | |
2011068343 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Recreational Pier Lease | |
2011068254 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Recreational Use | |
2011068337 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Recreational Pier Lease | |
2011068277 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider Acceptance of an Offer of Dedication of Lateral Access Easement | |
2011068360 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Recreational Pier Lease | |
2011068300 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider Acceptance of an Offer of Dedication of Lateral Access Easement | |
2011062074 | NEG | Trinity County | P 11-05 SPI Labor Camp | |
2005102102 | NOD | City and County of San Francisco | Calaveras Dam Replacement Project (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2010-033-03) | |
2011068234 | NOE | Tahoe Transportation District | California Transit Shelter Project - Phase 1 | |
2010051030 | NOD | Fresno Unified School District | Removal Action Workplan (RAW), Fresno M-4 Elementary School Site (Site Code 104673) | |
2011068257 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider Three Related Land Exchange Agreements to Relocate Certain Easements Located at Berth 200, Within the Wilmington District of the Port of Los Angeles | |
2011068317 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Public Agency Use and Approval of a Sublease | |
2011068340 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Termination and Issuance of a Recreational Pier Lease | |
2011068280 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Revision of Rent | |
2011068363 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Recreational Pier Lease | |
2011068311 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Assignment and Amendment of Lease | |
2011068334 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Revision of Rent | |
2004072114 | NOD | California State Lands Commission | Shell Martinez Marine Terminal Lease Consideration | |
2011068245 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Right-Of-Way Use | |
2011068268 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider Terminating Compensatory Gas Agreement PRC 5716.1, Sand Mound Slough Gas (ABD) Field, Contra Costa County | |
2011068328 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Revision of Rent | |
2011068291 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Assignment of Lease | |
2011068351 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Recreational Pier Lease | |
2011068314 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Revision of Rent | |
2011068231 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Gas Line 220 Robben Road Irrigation Ditch Maintenance Project | |
2011068225 | NOE | City of San Diego | Pipeline Rehabilitation O-1 | |
2011068308 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Assignment and Amendment of Lease and the Continuation of Rent | |
1999022064 | NOD | City of Danville | Elworthy Ranch Development Project | |
2011068248 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Amendment of Lease | |
2011068331 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Revision of Rent | |
2011068271 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with State and Federal Agencies to Facilitate Participation and Engagement in the Renewable Energy Action Team | |
2011068294 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Amendment of Lease | |
2011068354 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Recreational Pier Lease | |
2011068288 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Revision of Rent | |
2011068228 | NOE | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | NG2011-12; NextG/MetroPCS GreaterLA Distributed Antenna System Project (DAS) | |
2011068229 | NOE | Fish & Game #4 | Agreement 2011-0050-R4 - Bank Stabilization | |
2009011062 | NOD | Salinas Valley Solid Waste Authority | Stream Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2011-0037-R4 for the Crazy Horse Sanitary Landfill Closure Project | |
2011068289 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Revision of Rent | |
2011068252 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Public Agency Use | |
2011068312 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Termination of a Rec. Pier Lease and General Lease - Protective Structure Use and Issuance of a New General Lease - Rec. and Protective Structure Use | |
2011068275 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Recreational Use | |
2011068335 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Termination and Issuance of a General Lease - Recreational Use | |
2011068358 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Recreational Pier Lease | |
1984020113 | NOD | California State Lands Commission | San Diego County Water Authority Low Energy Geophysical Surveys | |
2011062072 | MND | State Water Resources Control Board | Narsai M. David Applications 29686 and 29687 to Appropriate Water | |
2011068269 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider Approval of an Assignment of a 56.25 Percent Interest in a Portion of Venoco, Inc.'s 100 Percent Interest in State Oil and Gas Lease No. PRC 8377.1 | |
2011068352 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Termination and Issuance of a Recreational Pier Lease | |
2011068292 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Recreational Use | |
2011068315 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Revision of Rent | |
2011068232 | NOE | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Public Lands Fuel Reduction Project | |
2011068338 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Termination and Issuance of a Recreational Pier Lease | |
2011068249 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Recreational Use | |
2011068332 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Revision of Rent | |
2010031028 | EIR | City of Perris | Perris Downtown Specific Plan EIR | |
2011068272 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Queensway Land Exchange Agreement | |
2011068295 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Amendment of General Lease - Right-Of-Way Use and Sublease | |
2011068355 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Recreational Pier Lease | |
2011068326 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Assignment of Lease and an Agreement and Consent to Encumbrancing of Lease | |
2011068266 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Request Authority for the Executive Officer to Solicit Proposals for Financial Audit Consulting Services, Award and Execute Agreements Regarding Audit of | |
2011068349 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Recreational Pier Lease | |
2011068283 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Revision of Rent | |
2011068306 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Assignment of Lease | |
2011068366 | NOE | San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District | San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District Rule Development: Rule 4401 (Steam-Enhanced Crude Oil Production Wells) | |
2011068246 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Approval of a Public Agency Permit and Right-of-Way Maps Filed Pursuant to Section 101.5 of the Streets and Highways Code and Conveyance of a Right-of-Way | |
2011068329 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Amendment of Lease | |
2011069036 | NOD | California Coastal Commission (CCC) | Emergency Repair Work of the Rincon Island Causeway to Facilities on California State Oil and Gas Lease No. PRC 1466.1 | |
2011068240 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider Acceptance of a Quitclaim of Interest in Reciprocal Road Use Easements and Termination of an Agreement Granting Reciprocal Road Use Easements | |
2011068323 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Revision of Rent | |
2011068346 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Termination and Issuance of a Recreational Pier Lease | |
2011068263 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Request Authority to Enter Into Agreement to Conduct Invasive Species Research to Evaluate Ship Fouling and Emerging Regulatory Policies for Reducing Biofouling | |
2011068226 | NOE | City of San Diego | Pipeline Rehabilitation N-1 | |
2011068369 | NOE | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | No. 1 Forebay Dam, No. 95-4; Low Level Outlet Repair and Retaining Wall Improvements | |
2011068286 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Revision of Rent | |
2011068309 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Assignment and Amendment of Lease and the Continuation of Rent | |
2011069033 | NOD | San Luis Harbor District, Port of | Port San Luis Harbor District Dredging Lease | |
2011068303 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider Acceptance of an Offer of Dedication of Lateral Access Easement | |
2011068243 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Continuation of Rent | |
2011068244 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider Rescission of Approval of a General Lease - Recreational Use | |
2011068267 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider Prior Approval of Subsidence Costs for Vertical Measurements and Studies, 2011-2012 Fiscal Year, City of Long Beach, Los Angeles County | |
2011061085 | NOP | California State Lands Commission | Central Coastal California Seismic Imaging Project | |
2011068327 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Protective Structure Use | |
2011068350 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Recreational Pier Lease | |
2011068290 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Dredging Lease | |
2011068284 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Continuation of Rent | |
2011068307 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Right of Way Use | |
2011068224 | NOE | City of San Diego | Pipeline Rehabilitation P-1 | |
2011068367 | NOE | California Energy Commission | Grant Award # ARV-10-048 to Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. (Recipient) | |
2011068330 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Continuation of Rent | |
2011068247 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Public Agency Use | |
2009112087 | FIN | City of Hercules | Hercules Intermodal Transit Center | |
2011068353 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Recreational Pier Lease | |
2011068270 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider Approval of an Amendment and Restatement of the Lease and of an Assignment of Rosetta Resources Operating LP's 100 Percent Interest in Oil and Gas | |
2011022070 | NOD | City of Fort Bragg | Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement (Agreement) No. 1600-2010-0248-R1, Pryor Minor Subdivision and Wetland Management and Mitigation Plan | |
2011069034 | NOD | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 2011-0012-R4, Issued in Conjunction with Quarry Timber Harvest Plan (THP) No. 4-10-014/FRE-1 | |
2011068264 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Request Authority to Enter Into Agreement to Support the Development of a Monitoring Tool to Verify Vessel Compliance with California's Performance Standards | |
2011068227 | NOE | City of San Diego | Pipeline Rehabilitation M-1 | |
2011068347 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Recreational Pier Lease | |
2011068287 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Revision of Rent | |
2011068310 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Assignment and Amendment of Lease | |
2011068333 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Rescission and Issuance of a General Lease - Recreational Use | |
2011068281 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Revision of Rent | |
2011068341 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Recreational Pier Lease | |
2011068364 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Recreational Pier Lease | |
2011068304 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Revision of Rent | |
2011068298 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider Acceptance of an Offer of Dedication of Lateral Access Easement | |
2011068238 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider Acceptance of an Offer of Dedication of Lateral Access Easement | |
2011068321 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Amendment of Lease | |
2011068261 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Request Authority for the Executive Officer to Solicit Statements of Interest for Consultant Services, Ngotiate Fair and Reasonable Price, Award and Execute | |
2011068344 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Recreational Pier Lease | |
2003061123 | NOD | Orange County Water District | SAA #1600-2011-0110-R5 | |
2011068255 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Amendment of Lease | |
2011068361 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Recreational Pier Lease | |
2011068278 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider Acceptance of an Offer of Dedication of lateral Access Easement | |
2011068301 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider Acceptance of an Offer of Dedication of Lateral Access Easement | |
2011068241 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Protective Structure | |
2011068324 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Revision of Rent | |
2011068235 | NOE | University of California | Cliff House Demolition | |
2009012070 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 1 | Richardson Grove Operational Improvement Project | |
2011068318 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Revision of Rent | |
2011068258 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Cession of Concurrent Criminal Jurisdiction to the United States Department of Veterans Affair Pursuant to California Government Code Section 126 Over Lands | |
2011062851 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Recreational Use | |
2011069032 | NOD | California State Lands Commission | Bodega Farms Saltwater Intake and Outfall Pipelines | |
2011068259 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider Acceptance of Appproximately 5.7 Acres of Filled and Unfilled Tide and Submerged Lands and Subsequent Transfer to the City of Vallejo, as Trustee | |
2011068342 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Recreational Pier Lease | |
2011068282 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Revision of Rent | |
2011068365 | NOE | San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District | SJVUAPCD Rule Development: Proposed Rule 2410 (Prevention of Significant Determination) | |
2011068305 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Revision of Rent | |
2011068322 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Recreational Use | |
2011068239 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Right-Of-Way Use | |
2011068262 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Request Authority for the Executive Officer to Execute Agreements for Budget Fiscal Year 2011-2012 | |
2011068345 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Recreational Pier Lease | |
2011068285 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Revision of Rent | |
2011068368 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Corrective Action Completion at Chem Lab Products Incorporated Facility | |
2011069035 | NOD | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Temporary Summer Log Stringer Bridge on the Eel River, near Scotia, Humboldt County | |
2011068279 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider Acceptance of an Offer of Dedication of Lateral Access Easement | |
2011068242 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Revision of Rent | |
2011068302 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider Acceptance of an Offer of Dedication of Lateral Access Easement | |
2011068362 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Recreational Pier Lease | |
2009101036 | EIR | City of San Diego | St. Paul's Cathedral and Residences | |
2011068265 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Request Authority for the Executive Officer to Solicit Statements of Interest for Electrical Engineering Services, Negotiate Fair and Resonable Price, Award and | |
2011068325 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Amendment of Lease | |
2011068348 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Recreational Pier Lease | |
2011068356 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Recreational Pier Lease | |
2011068236 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Temporary Emergency Permit for Treatment by Detonation, Beale Air Force Base | |
2011068296 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider Acceptance of an Offer of Dedication of Lateral Access Easement | |
2011068319 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Revision of Rent | |
2011068253 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Recreational Use | |
2011068230 | NOE | Solano County | Use Permit Application No. U-11-05 of Humberto & Teresa Gonzalez | |
2011068313 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Recreational and Protective Structure Use | |
2002101066 | NOD | City of Dana Point | Storm Drain Alternative Outlet Project (25-year General Lease - Public Agency Use) | |
2011068276 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider a Resolution to Acknowledge the 50th Anniversary of the Save The American River Association | |
2011068336 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Revision of Rent | |
2011068299 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider Acceptance of an Offer of Dedication of Lateral Access Easement | |
2011068359 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Recreational Pier Lease | |
2011062073 | MND | City of Santa Clara | Santa Clara K1 Speed Karting Facility | |
2010072048 | NOD | Fish & Game #4 | Bobcat Flat West Restoration Phase II, River Mile 43 | |
2011068293 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Recreational Use | |
2011068233 | NOE | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California | Erosion Repair Along San Diego Pipeline Nos. 4 and 5 within the Santa Margarita Ecological Reserve | |
2011068316 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Protective Structure Use | |
2011068256 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | General Lease - Industrial Use | |
2011068339 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Termination and Issuance of a Recreational Pier Lease | |
2011068250 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Termination and Issuance of a General Lease - Recreational Use | |
2011068273 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider the Scope of Work for Implementation and Completion of an Environmental Protection and Facility Safety Audit for the Long Beach Unit, Wilmington Oil |