Monday, August 31, 2015
- Received Date
- 2015-08-31
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78 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2012072030 | NOD | Alameda County Resource Conservation District (ACRCD) | Mulqueeney 2015 Pond Restoration Projects (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2015-0218-R3) | |
2012072030 | NOD | Alameda County Resource Conservation District (ACRCD) | Chapman Livestock Pond Restoration Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement no. 1600-2015-0224-R3) | |
2015082074 | MND | City of Arcata | Creamery Row Townhomes | |
2013052074 | EIR | City of Benicia | Valero Crude by Rail | |
2015088400 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | #113E&F Sierra Madre Towers 4&5 - Remove Existing Ceiling Grid -- J0C 14-033.026.01 | |
2015088403 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | #103 Whitney Hall - Replace Doors and Jambs Additional WorkJ0C 14-033.035.01 | |
2015088402 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | #110 Tenaya Hall - Roof Replacement Supplemental -- J0C 14-033.032.01 | |
2015088406 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | #113E Sierra Madre Tower 4 - Restroom Remodel -- J0C 14-034.006.00 | |
2015088405 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | #150F - Install New Insulated Roof of Supplemental -- J0C 14-034.004.01 | |
2015088411 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | GEN - Campus Road Striping -- J0C 14-034.023.00 | |
2015088408 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | #006 PAC - Founders Room Donor wall -- J0C 14-034.009.00 | |
2015088399 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | #002 Cotchett Education - CIE Space Remodel - Fire Upgrades -- J0C 14-033.024.00 | |
2015088398 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | #170G Cerro San Luis - Construct New Custodial Break Room Supplemental -- 0c 14-033.006.01 | |
2015088401 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | #113/114 Sierra Madre/Yosemite Halls - Housing Storefront Installation -- J0C 14-033.029.00 | |
2015088412 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | #228 Marine Science Education & Research Center - Pier Wire Trough -- J0C 14-034.024.00 | |
2015088409 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | #114 Yosemite Hall - Replace Transformer -- J0C 14-034.021.00 | |
2015088410 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | GEN Campus Wide - Cal Poly Crosswalks -- J0C 14-034.022.00 | |
2015088404 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | #033 Fisher Science Room 286 - Lecture Hall Upgrade -- J0C 14-034.001.00 | |
2015088407 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | #150G Poultry Cage Slab Supplemental -- J0C 14-034.008.01 | |
2015088396 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 3 | Highway Rehabilitation Project | |
2015088415 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 4 | Marshlands Road Project Encroachment Permit | |
2015088381 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 5 | SLO/SB Bridge Deck Maintenance Project (05-1G350) | |
2015041027 | NOD | City of Carlsbad | College Boulevard Mitigation | |
2015088420 | NOE | Chaffey Joint Union High School District (CJUHSD) | Chaffey High School Gardiner W. Spring Auditorium Modernization | |
2015071049 | NOD | Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) | Water Reclamation Plant No. 7 Biosolids Upgrade Project | |
2015081083 | NEG | Crescenta Valley Water District (CVWD) | Nitrate Removal Treatment Facility for Well 2 at Ordunio Reservoir | |
2015088385 | NOE | Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) | San Jacinto Valley Well Property Identification and Evaluation | |
2015088382 | NOE | Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) | Property Acquisition for Future Desaler Well Site | |
2015088383 | NOE | Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) | 2060 Pressure Zone Storage Tank Siting Evaluation | |
2015088384 | NOE | Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) | Menifee and Perris I Desalters - Noise Abatement Project | |
2015061066 | NOD | City of Escondido | Modification of a Conditional Use Permit, Case No. PHG 15-0010/ENV 15-0005 | |
2015088422 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1E (CDFW) | Cutoff Sough Culvert Replacement Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2015-0207-R1) | |
2015088386 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 2 (CDFW) | Pinebrook Lake and Stream Vegetation Removal Project (LAA#1600-2015-0039-R2) | |
2013122050 | NOD | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 2 (CDFW) | Fish Passage Improvements at Memorial County Park (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2015-0119-R3) | |
2015088392 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 3 (CDFW) | Lower Putah Creek and Tributaries Maintenance Projct (Lake or Streambed Alteration AGreement No. 1600-2014-0265-R3) | |
2015088393 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 3 (CDFW) | Central Marin Ferry Connector Off-Site Mitigation Project | |
2015088394 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 3 (CDFW) | Larkspur Marina Maintenance Dredging | |
2015088389 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 3 (CDFW) | Pacific Gas and Electric Company L191-A Gas Line 191-1 Briones Park Maintenance Project, MP 32.05 | |
2015088395 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 3 (CDFW) | Redwood Creek Wall Maintenance Project | |
2015088387 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 3 (CDFW) | 4686 Sandmound Boulevard Dock & Gangway Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2015-0242-R3) | |
2015088388 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 4 (CDFW) | Hidden Valley Ranch Fish Screen (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2015-0087-R4) | |
2015088414 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Environmental Services Division (CDFW) | Section 310.4, Shooting Hours, Title 14, California Code of Regulations | |
2015088421 | NOE | City of Fontana | Adoption of a Resolution of the City Council Approving a Purchase and SAle Agreement with Dix Development Incorporated for the | |
2015089034 | NOD | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2015-0213-R1 for THP 1-15-047MEN "North of the Skunk" | |
2015081080 | MND | Fresno County | IS Application No. 6966 (Javier Sanchez Ramirez) | |
2015081082 | MND | Imperial County | Verizon Wireless Telecommunication Facility Palo Verde (Conditional Use Permit#15-0004/Variance#15-0002) | |
2015081084 | MND | Kern County Water Agency | Cross Valley Canal Extension Lining Project | |
2015082068 | NEG | Napa County | Quantum Limit Vineyard Conversion #P14-00356-ECPA | |
2015088416 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Septic Tank #4 and List Station #2 Replacement/Rehabilitation | |
2015088391 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Sewer Lift Station S-3 Rehabilitation | |
2015088380 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Crystal Cove State Park - No Brains Cactus Restoration Fence Installation | |
2015051071 | NOD | City of Pico Rivera | City of Pico Rivera Low Volume Street Sweeper Transfer Facility | |
2015052039 | NOD | City of Portola Valley | Portola Road Transmission Main - Sausal Creek Jack and Bore | |
2015081081 | NOP | Riverside County | GPA 1151 and 1152, CZ 7872 and 7873, PM 36950 and 36962, PP 25837 and 25838 | |
2015091001 | NOP | San Bernardino County | SkyPark at Santa's Village | |
2015081086 | NOP | City of San Bernardino | Waterman + Baseline Neighborhood Transformation Specific Plan | |
2015088419 | NOE | San Diego Unified Port District | Tideland Use and Occupancy PErmit to Quality Coast, Inc. for a Cafe at Embarcadero Marina Park | |
2015088417 | NOE | San Diego Unified Port District | Maritime Museum - Festival of Sail | |
2015088418 | NOE | San Diego Unified Port District | San Diego Festival of Beer | |
2015081085 | MND | San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District | California Resources Production Corporation Steam Generators Project S-1143483 | |
2015061093 | NOD | San Luis Obispo County | Vandenberg Minor Use Permit DRC2014-00067 | |
2015061069 | NOD | San Luis Obispo County | Mittal Minor Use Permit / DRC2013-00086 / ED14-085 | |
2015081088 | CON | Sanger Unified School District | Sanger Unified Alternative Education Facility | |
2015088413 | NOE | Santa Barbara County | San Antonio Creek Community Defensible Space | |
2004112063 | NOD | Santa Cruz County | San Vicente Upper Pond Enhancement Project | |
2015082070 | MND | Shasta County | Parcel Map 15-003 (Vingenzo Colletti) | |
2015082072 | MND | Shasta County | Use Permit #14-023 (Jacobson) | |
2015082071 | MND | Shasta County | Use Permit #15-004 (Buckeye Fire Protection District) | |
2015082069 | MND | Shasta County | Use Permit 15-002 (TNJ Properties) | |
2015062069 | NOD | Solano County | Use Permit Application No. U-15-02 of Horizon Tower, LLC | |
2015082073 | NEG | Solano County | Rush Ranch Habitat Restoration Facility Improvements & Site Utilization Project (Recirculation) | |
2015082075 | NEG | Sutter County | Project 15-008 (Sutter County) | |
2015088390 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Leasing of Office Space | |
2015084003 | JD | United States Department of Homeland Security, Coast Guard (USCG) | Final Environmental Assessment for Boat Basin Deepening | |
2015088397 | NOE | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | California Aqueduct Milepost 85.07RWashout Reapir and Vegetation Removal | |
2015071013 | NOD | West Basin Municipal Water District | Carson Regional Water Recycling Facility Expansion Project 2015 | |
2015081087 | NOP | West Basin Municipal Water District | West Basin Ocean Water Desalination Project | |
2015082067 | MND | Western Shasta Resource Conservation District | Clover Creek / Millville Diversion Fisheries Restoration Project |