Thursday, November 18, 2010
- Received Date
- 2010-11-18
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54 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2001124004 | NOD | California Army National Guard | California Army National Guard Bridge Replacement | |
2010111073 | OTH | California Department of Transportation, District 12 | WB State Route 91 Lane Extension and Auxiliary Lane Project | |
2006051080 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 6 | State Route 41 Kettleman City Rehabilitation Project - Agreement 2010-0109-R4 | |
2010062080 | NOD | City of Concord | Ygnacio Valley Road Landscape Repair (Ygnacio Valley Road Phase 3) | |
2010032096 | NOD | Del Norte County | City of Crescent City - General Plan Amendment - GPA1001C | |
2005092019 | SIR | East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) | Happy Valley Pipeline Project | |
2010112044 | MND | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Doaks Vegetation Management Program and Plan | |
2010119010 | NOD | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Sugarloaf Timber Harvesting Plan (4-09-014-ELD) | |
2007102107 | NOD | City of Fremont | Patterson Ranch Development Plan Program EIR | |
2010111070 | MND | Goleta West Sanitary District | Goleta West Sanitary District Trunk Improvement Project - Mesa Road Trunk Sewer | |
2010118232 | NOE | Irvine Unified School District | Maintenance & Operations - Solar Project (Vehicle Shade Structure) | |
2010118243 | NOE | Irvine Unified School District | Early Childhood Learning Center - Solar Project | |
2010118246 | NOE | Irvine Unified School District | College Park Elementary School - Solar Project | |
2010118244 | NOE | Irvine Unified School District | SpringBrook Elementary School - Solar Project | |
2010118236 | NOE | Irvine Unified School District | Santiago Hills Elementary School - Solar Project | |
2010118238 | NOE | Irvine Unified School District | South Lake Middle School - Solar Project | |
2010118241 | NOE | Irvine Unified School District | Plaza Vista K-8 - Solar Project | |
2010118242 | NOE | Irvine Unified School District | University High School - Solar Project | |
2010118235 | NOE | Irvine Unified School District | Venado Middle School - Solar Project | |
2010118245 | NOE | Irvine Unified School District | Rancho San Joanquin Middle School - Solar Project | |
2010118239 | NOE | Irvine Unified School District | Northwood Elementary School - Solar Project | |
2010118240 | NOE | Irvine Unified School District | Lakeside Middle School - Solar Project | |
2010118234 | NOE | Irvine Unified School District | Irvine High School - Solar Project | |
2010118233 | NOE | Irvine Unified School District | District Office - Solar Project (Vehicle Shade Structure) | |
2010118237 | NOE | Irvine Unified School District | Turtle Rock Elementary School - Solar Project | |
2010118231 | NOE | Irvine Unified School District | Maintenance & Operations - Solar Project | |
2010111067 | MND | City of Lancaster | Tentative Tract Map No. 69992 | |
2010021007 | EIR | City of Los Angeles | Jordan Downs Specific Plan | |
2010111072 | NEG | City of Menifee | Preparation and Adoption of Source Reducion and Recycling Element/Household Hazardous Waste Element | |
2010091005 | NOD | Monterey County | Currivan/O'Boyle | |
2010118247 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Stove/Barbeque Replacement | |
2005091024 | NOD | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Tin House Road Project at Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park(Document Rescinded) | |
2010118253 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Kart World Modular-Prairie City SVRA | |
2010112048 | NEG | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Water Tank, Line, and Septic Replacement Project | |
2007051024 | MND | San Bernardino County | The Garnet Street Bridge Replacement Project | |
2004101039 | NOD | San Diego, Port of | Old Police Headquarters & Park Project - Draft SEIR | |
2010111071 | MND | Santa Barbara County | Alisal Reservoir | |
2010051070 | NOD | City of Santa Monica | 301 Ocean Avenue Condominium Project | |
2010118252 | NOE | Savanna School District | Sale of Approximately 11.46 Net Acres of Certain Excess Real Property located within the District at 10660 Western Avenue, Stanton | |
2009121006 | MND | City of Simi Valley | Arroyo Simi Greenway Specific Plan: SP-S-28 / Z-S-677 / CUP-S-723 | |
2010091092 | NOD | South Coast Water District | San Juan Creek Water Pipeline Relocation Project | |
2008031094 | NOD | South Coast Water District | Beach Interceptor Sewer Tunnel and Pipeline Repair Project | |
2010112043 | MND | South San Joaquin Irrigation District | SSJID Water Service Project | |
2009092079 | NOD | University of California | UC Davis MU Bookstore Renovation and Expansion | |
2010062091 | NOD | University of California, Davis | UC Davis CNPRC Respiratory Diseases Center Project | |
2010118251 | NOE | University of California, Riverside | Glen Mor 1 and Pentland Hills Landscape Renovation (957323) | |
2010092004 | NOD | Vallejo Sanitation and Flood Control District | Lake Dalwigk Habitat Enhancement Project | |
2007101049 | ADM | Valley Center Municipal Water District | South Village Water Reclamation Project | |
2010111068 | NEG | Ventura County | LU07-0124 | |
2010118254 | NOE | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | State Water Resources Control Board Warehouse | |
2010118248 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | Salmon Creek Water Diversion Erosion Repair (1600-2010-0165-R2) | |
2010118249 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | Tinaza Slide Repair Project | |
2010118297 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Large Woody Debris Jam Modification at Peters Creek in Portola Redwoods State Park | |
2010118250 | NOE | Fish & Game #4 | Agreement 2010-0089-R4 - Culvert Replacement at Wright Ranch |