SCH Number 2010111070

Project Info

Goleta West Sanitary District Trunk Improvement Project - Mesa Road Trunk Sewer
DFW is intending to execute a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code (# 1600-2013-0224-R5) to the project applicant, Goleta West Sanitary District. The project proposes to install a new section of sewer pipeline between ManHole-1 and the intersection of Los Carneros Road and Mesa Road. The old pipeline which runs through a section of the eastern Storke Wetlands will be abandoned in place, with six of the manholes removed and the pipeline capped at the manholes. Each manhole will be excavated to a depth of one foot, and cut around its circumference with a hand operated saw and the top portion will be removed. The base of the manholes will be demolished with a hammer like hoe-ram jackhammer powered by an air compressor or by hand. The sewer line will be filled with cement slurry with a hose from a cement truck drive on Mesa Road. The entire pipeline will be filled with cement from the manhole to the next manhole. The areas excavated will then be filled with native materials to match the existing grade. Mitigation for this project includes the removal of the existing road to the elevation of the active brackish marsh wetland, and the salvage of pickle weed and salt grass, to be replanted upon completion of the project. Wetland plants to be salvaged shall be hand excavated and set aside on clear plastic tarps outside of the wetland, and the roots shall be kept wet. Plant salvage operations shall be monitored by a qualified biologist and under the guild lines outlined in Mitigated Negative Declaration.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Goleta West Sanitary District Goleta West Sanitary District Trunk Improvement Project - Mesa Road Trunk Sewer
Goleta West Sanitary District Goleta West Sanitary District Trunk Improvement Project - Mesa Road Trunk Sewer
Goleta West Sanitary District Goleta West Sanitary District Trunk Improvement Project - Mesa Road Trunk Sewer