Monday, November 7, 2011

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56 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2011112024 Santa Clara County Santa Clara County Onsite Wastewater Ordinance Update
2011111022 City of Eastvale Preparation and Adoption of Source Reduction and Recycling Element/Household Hazardous Waste Element
2007092059 San Francisco County Transportation Authority Van Ness Avenue Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project
2011112021 Santa Clara County Stevens Canyon Road Bridge Replacement Project [Bridges No. 37C0574 and 37C0575]
2009052003 City of Tiburon Belvedere-Tiburon Library Agency Expansion Project
2011118058 California Department of Parks and Recreation DipseaTrail Reconnection
2011118058 California Department of Parks and Recreation DipseaTrail Reconnection
2011111019 City of Claremont Claremont Wilderness Park Trail Parking Lot Expansion Project
2011118069 Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority Bundy Canyon-Mandeville Ridge Trail Construction
2011118066 Fish & Game #4 Agreement 2011-0133-R4 - Merced River Weir
2011118072 California Department of Transportation, District 2 Preliminary Testing (SR) 70 (PM) 19.0
2011118070 City of Downey Cash Contract No. S.S. 620 - Annual Miscellaneous Concrete Construction and Repair
2008061077 San Diego County Otay Business Park Tentative Map; 3100 5505; Log No. 93-006W
2011111017 City of Atascadero Atascadero Creek Pedestrian Bridge and Centennial Plaza Master Plan, PLN 2011-1399
1990010988 City of Palmdale CUP 98-12; Antelope Valley Public Landfill Expansion
2011111020 City of Santa Barbara Lower Sycamore Creek Channel Widening and Punta Gorda Street Bridge Replacement Project
2011112019 Shasta County General Plan Amendment 08-005, Zone Amendment 08-019, and Tract Map 1989 (Miller)
2011061053 Cambria Community Services District Rodeo Grounds Pump Station Project
2003061157 Pasadena Metro Blue Line Construction Authority Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension: Phase 2A Additional Project Refinements
2011118073 California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Permitting Wells 01A, 03, 06, 07, 09, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, IWD Intertie, and Rocky Aeration Plant
201117 United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs Rincon Band of Luiseno Mission Indians, California, APN: 133-190-04 & 133-190-07
2011118061 City of San Diego Sewer Pipeline Rehabilitation Phase R - 1
2010071016 San Luis Obispo County Santa Margarita Drought Reliability Project (201R020102)
2007041102 Pine Cove Water District Permitting and Operation of the Dutch Flats Water Treatment Facility and Wells 25 & 26
2011118067 City of El Cajon Administrative Zoning Permit No. 10
2003111101 Pine Cove Water District Permitting and Operation of Wells 23 & 24
2011112027 Yolo County Mercy Housing Tentative Parcel Map
2011092030 California Department of Parks and Recreation Carnegie SVRA Roads and Sediment Basin Rehabilitation Projects IS/MND
2011111032 San Luis Obispo County Siempre Adelante CUP
2011118068 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Install Ramp Meters
2011051078 City of Fountain Valley Fountain Valley Civic Center
2010031046 Western Riverside County Regional Wastewater Authority 30-inch Diameter Force Main Relocation at River Road Bridge
2011072057 Del Norte County Elk Valley Rancheria - MS1106 - Minor Subdivision
2011118065 Fish & Game #4 Agreement 2011-0131-R4 - Conduit and Copper Cable Installation Project (7-008-11)
2011118056 California Department of Parks and Recreation Re-roof Water Tank and Install Hydrant
2011112025 City of Ukiah Ukiah Costco EIR
2011111023 Chula Vista School District Otay Ranch Village 11 Elementary School
2011112022 City of Santa Rosa Reunification of Courthouse Square Project
2011118062 California Department of Transportation, District 2 Deer Creek Curve Improvement
2011118059 California Department of Parks and Recreation Water Ssytem Upgrade, Wildwood Canyon (11/12-IE-9)
2011118063 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Conveyance of up to 25,000 acre-feet of Friant Recirculation Water to Kern County Water Agency (KCWA) (SWPAO #11017)
2011092069 Del Norte County Don Hoover - Environmental Review of a Coastal Development Permit - B31440C
2008081001 Fresno County General Plan Amendment Application No. 513
2011112023 City of Portola General Plan Review
2011118060 California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery A Revised Full Solid Waste Facilities Permit No. 30-AB-0019 for Prima Deshecha Landfill, Orange County
1995092020 Placer County Granite Bay Community Plan EIR Update
2011012012 City of Galt City of Galt Live Oak Pump Station (pump station) and Force Main Project
2011062016 Siskiyou County Eagle Peack Rock and Paving/Richard Moore Use Permit (UP-11-05)
2011091001 San Diego County Johnson Minor Subdivision; 3200 21160 (TPM); Log No. 09-09-003
2011111018 City of Imperial Beach Breakwater
2011118071 California Tahoe Conservancy Ward Peak / Alpine Meadows Lease
2011011047 California Department of Transportation, District 12 Interstate 5 High Occupancy Vehicle Lane Extension Project
2011112020 Zone 7 Water Agency Patterson Pass Water Treatment Plant Sanitary Sewer Pipeline Project
2011111021 City of La Verne Old Town La Verne Specific Plan
2011082050 Napa County Resource Conservation District Clover Flat Resource Recovery Park - Use Permit Major Modification # P09-00511-MOD
2011118057 California Department of Parks and Recreation Millerton Point Day Use Repairs