SCH Number 2010031046

Project Info

30-inch Diameter Force Main Relocation at River Road Bridge Project
To provide a "fall-safe" crossing of the Santa Ana River, WRCRWA plans to install valves and short sections of pipeline to reconnect its existing pipeline under the river which was abandoned during the construction of the bridge replacement by the County of Riverside. The new pipeline in the bridge cell would be used as the primary force main and the existing reconnected pipeline would be used as a backup.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Western Riverside County Regional Wastewater Authority 30-inch Diameter Force Main Relocation at River Road Bridge
Western Riverside County Regional Wastewater Authority 30-inch Diameter Force Main Relocation at River Road Bridge Project
Western Riverside County Regional Wastewater Authority 30-inch Diameter Force Main Relocation at River Road Bridge