SCH Number 2011061053

Project Info

Rodeo Grounds Pump Station Project
The Rodeo Grounds Pump Station Project proposes replacement of an existing pump station, as well as construction of upstream and downstream reaches of connecting pipelines. The Project would mitigate deficiencies in fire flows, while also replacing an obsolete pumping station. The proposed pump station would be housed in a 2,472 SF precast concrete/masonry building, and would include five rooms and appurtenant treatment facilities. Approximately 1,225 LF of larger diameter (12- to 16-inch) suction and discharge piping would be constructed to connect the proposed pump station with the existing piping system. Additionally, existing pipeline segments would be activated.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Cambria Community Services District Rodeo Grounds Pump Station Project
Cambria Community Services District Rodeo Grounds Pump Station Project