Monday, September 10, 2018

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92 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2018092023 Alameda County Outfront Media Billboard Replacement Project
2018092021 Alameda County Arroyo Lago Residential Project -- 205 units, Alameda County Project #: PLN2017-00087
2018061041 City of Baldwin Park 13100 Brooks Drive Digital Billboard
2018011049 City of Burbank Media Studios Ten-Year Development Agreement Extension Project
201812 United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs Rincon Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Rincon Reservation - APN: 133-190-18-00
2018098160 California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) Pier/USCG - Electrical Shore Tie
2018052012 California Department of Transportation, District 1 Camp 20 Safety project - EA: 01-0E860
2018031036 California Department of Transportation, District 5 San Antonio Creek Bridge Seismic Retrofit
2018031036 California Department of Transportation, District 5 San Antonio Creek Bridge Seismic Retrofit
2018091017 California Department of Transportation, District 5 Limekiln Creek Bridge Replacement
2014121092 California Department of Transportation, District 8 Interstate 40 Regrade Median Cross Slopes Project
2018098206 California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) GGNRA Hawk Hill Access Improvements
2018098216 California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) Samoa Dunes and Wetlands Conservation Acquisition of Dog Ranch and Poovey Tract
2018098210 California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) Santa Margarita River Trail Preserve Acquisition Project
2018098207 California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) City of Eureka Bay to Zoo Trail
2018098213 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Chevron 3 Reworks
2018098155 City of El Cajon Amendment to Site Development Plan No. 1351 - T Mobile Cell Site Modification
2016102025 City of Eureka City of Eureka 2040 General Plan Update and Climate Action EIR
2018098156 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 3 (CDFW) 8411 Hihn Road Storm Damage Repair Project ( Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2018-0127-R3)
2018099010 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2018-0429-R1 for Timber Harvesting Plan (THP) 1-18-041 HUM
2018098183 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Magalia Forest Health and Restoration (8CA03417)
2018098182 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Butte Forest Thin Prescribed Fire Project (8CA03417)
2018099009 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Bohemian Grove Non-Industrial Timber Management Plan (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2018-0278-R3)
2018072074 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Hog Flat Fuel Break Project
2018098211 Kern County PLN18-01454
2018098217 Kern County PLN18-01449
2018098180 Kern County PLN18-01453
2018098214 Kern County PLN18-01447
2018098171 Kern County PLN18-01423
2018098215 Kern County PLN18-01448
2018098169 Kern County PLN18-01420
2018098212 Kern County PLN18-01442
2018098175 Kern County PLN18-01452
2018098178 Kern County PLN18-01446
2018098176 Kern County PLN18-01378
2018098168 Kern County PLN18-01444
2018098165 Kern County PLN18-01445
2018098177 Kern County PLN18-01377
2018098179 Kern County PLN18-01451
2018098167 Kern County PLN18-01432
2018098166 Kern County PLN18-01424
2018098181 Kern County PLN18-01441
2018098164 Kern County PLN18-01450
2018098170 Kern County PLN18-01422
2018092019 Lake County Major Use Permit UP 18-15
2018092020 Lake County Major Use Permit UP 18-15
2018041017 Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Fairmont Sedimentation Plant Project
2018098218 City of Pacific Grove UP 171111
2018098195 California Department of Parks and Recreation El Centro Education and Safety
2018098172 California Department of Parks and Recreation Storm Damaged Big Trees Creek Culvert Replacement & Road Stabilization
2018098189 California Department of Parks and Recreation Mendocino National Forest Ground Operations
2018098194 California Department of Parks and Recreation Sierra National Forest, Education and Safety
2018098191 California Department of Parks and Recreation Shasta-Trinity National Forest Maintenance, Operations, and Repairs
2018098174 California Department of Parks and Recreation Storm Damaged Karen Bakerville Smith Trail Rehabilitation.
2018098192 California Department of Parks and Recreation Shasta-Trinity National Forest, Mt. Shasta Avalanche Safety Program
2018098198 California Department of Parks and Recreation Del Norte County OHV Area Access and Safety Improvement Project
2018098203 California Department of Parks and Recreation Clovis Independent 4 Wheelers Ground Operations in Sierra National Forest
2018098197 California Department of Parks and Recreation Riverside County OHV Facility Feasibility Study
2018098200 California Department of Parks and Recreation Golden Hills Nature Park Survey Work and CEQA Review
2018098205 California Department of Parks and Recreation Trinity County Resource Conservation District Ground Operations
2018098196 California Department of Parks and Recreation Shasta County Education and Safety
2018098202 California Department of Parks and Recreation Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship Ground Operations
2018098188 California Department of Parks and Recreation Los Padres National Forest Ground Operations
2018098199 California Department of Parks and Recreation Restoration within Eldorado National Forest
2018098201 California Department of Parks and Recreation Upper Middle Knob Restoration
2018097185 California Department of Parks and Recreation Resident #2 Fence Project
2018098204 California Department of Parks and Recreation National Youth Project Education and Safety
2018098187 California Department of Parks and Recreation Inyo National Forest Ground Operations
2018098193 California Department of Parks and Recreation Sierra National Forest, Ground Operations
2018098163 California Department of Parks and Recreation Columbia Residence 17 Driveway
2018098186 California Department of Parks and Recreation Angeles National Forest Ground Operations
2018098173 California Department of Parks and Recreation North Grove Sewer Improvements
2018098190 California Department of Parks and Recreation Sequoia National Forest Ground Operations
2016091009 City of Pasadena ArtCenter College of Design Master Plan
2016091009 City of Pasadena ArtCenter College of Design Master Plan
2016091009 City of Pasadena ArtCenter College of Design Master Plan
2018098209 California Department of Public Health (CDPH) California Department of Public Health
2018091016 San Diego County Clairemont Mesa Community Plan Amendment and Rezone Project (WT-4224097)
2004101032 City of San Diego Tijuana River Valley Channel Maintenance Project
2018092018 San Joaquin County PA-1800128
2018098157 Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District Santa Cruz METRO Revenue Vehicles, Replacement
2018098159 Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District Santa Cruz METRO ITS equipment
2018098158 Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District Santa Cruz METRO Transit District
2018098162 City of Santa Rosa Freeway Well Planning Project
2018072008 Sierra County Upper North Yuba Forest Health and Resilience Project (SNC1023)
2015031035 Southern California Association of Governments Addendum #3 to the 2016-2040 RTP/SCS
2015031035 Southern California Association of Governments Addendum #2 to the 2016-2040 RTP/SCS
2018062042 Stanislaus County Pleasant Valley Road over South San Joaquin Irrigation District Bridge (38C-0154) Replacement Project
2018098154 State Water Resources Control Board Temp. Urgency Change Petition for Instream Flow Dedication - Water Right Permit 21198
2018097184 State Water Resources Control Board ForestHill Public Utility District (FPUD) Temporary Transfer of Water To SWC
2018098208 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Exchange of up to 75,000 Acre-Feet of Santa Clara Valley Water District's Central Valley Project Water Supplies With State Water Project Water Supples.
2018092022 City of Woodland Woodland Recycled Water Pipeline Phase II