Friday, August 10, 2012

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50 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2010048159 Plum Valley Elementary School District Plum Valley School SRF Planning Project
2012088120 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2011-0266-R1, Armor Eroding Stream Bank By Installing rock Deflectors
2012088123 Fish & Game #2 Dog Bar Road Replace Culvert with Bridge SAA Notification No. 1600-2012-0069-R2
2010071036 Madera County Austin Quarry (PRJ #2009-001)
2012088134 California Department of Transportation, District 2 Overlay Project-Between Peanut and Hayfork
2012088114 City of Dinuba App. No. 2012-11 - Tentative Parcel Map - APN: 014-144-001
2012088117 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Exchange of up to 5,500 acre-feet of Castaic Lake Water Agency's (CLWA) approved State Water Project (SW0
2012082040 Sonoma County Water Agency Mirabel Fish Screen and Fish Ladder Replacement Project
2012088034 Central Valley Flood Protection Board Riparian Vegetation
2012088118 Fish & Game #5 Arroyo Simi Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Proejct
2012082041 Glenn County PRE - Application, Conditional Use Permit 2012-003, Solid Waste Conversion Facility
2007121019 City of Chino SRG Chino South Industrial Park
2012088135 California Department of Transportation, District 2 Dry Creek and Scott Mountain Chip Seal
2010071025 City of Agoura Hills Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Headquarters Campus Project
2012082038 California Tahoe Conservancy Spieker Residential Addition
2012088115 California Tahoe Conservancy Ward Creek - Forest Health Restoration
201111 United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs Picayune Rancheria of Chukchansi Indians APNs: 054-460-012,025,013,014
2012088126 California Department of Parks and Recreation Stanislaus National Forest Calaveras Big Chunk Restoration Project
1992101099 San Diego County Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) Facility Building Mod.; 3301 06-074-02(MUP)
2012088112 California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Well 2 and Well 9 Floridation
2012052002 City of Winters I-505/Grant Avenue Planning Area Land Use Modifications Project
2012088129 California Department of Parks and Recreation Ground Operations for Rasor, Johnson, and Stoddard Valley OHV Open Areas
2011114002 United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs Coyote Valley Tribe Fee-to-Trust
2012089005 Fish & Game #1E Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2012-0175-R1 "Johnson" NTMP
2012088132 California Department of Parks and Recreation Ground Operations for El Mirage OHV Area
2012088133 California Department of Parks and Recreation Fort Safe Special Recreation Management Area (SRMA) Acquisition
2012052043 Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency Unionhouse Creek Channel Improvements Project
2012088113 California Department of Parks and Recreation Re-Roof Rotchev House
2012088130 California Department of Parks and Recreation Tungsten Hills Cultural Resource Surveys
2011111012 City of Eastvale Eastvale Commerce Center (City Project No. 11-0271)
2012052080 Santa Clara County Junipero Serra Boulevard Traffic Calming Project
2012088127 California Department of Parks and Recreation Stanislaus National Forest Summit Long Valley Restoration Project
2012088121 California Department of Transportation, District 6 Routes 33 and 198 Chip Seal
2012088107 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Fulwyler 82-15AH
2012088124 California Department of Parks and Recreation Ground Operations for Fort Sage SRMA
2012088125 California Department of Parks and Recreation Stanislaus National Forest Mi-Wok North District OHV Restoration Project
2008021004 City of Los Angeles San Pedro Community Plan Project
2012088128 California Department of Parks and Recreation Stanislaus National Forest Groveland Ferretti OHV Restoration Project
2012088131 California Department of Parks and Recreation Ground Operations for Dumont Dunes OHV Area
2012081032 Fresno County Allow Expansion of Wastewater Land Disposal Area for an Existing Agriculture/Food Processing Facility
2012062051 Sacramento County KXPR Radio Tower Use Permit
2012089004 Fish & Game #2 Streambed Alteration Agreement #1600-2012-0053-R2 First Missionary Baptist Church Entry/Access
2012082042 State Water Resources Control Board Marino Water Rights Project
2012088119 Fish & Game #5 North Fork Lockwood Creek Diversion Dam Project
2009022009 Placer County Amazing Facts Ministries
2012088122 California Department of Transportation, District 6 Interstate 5 to Northbound 41 Off-ramp Overlay
2012082039 City of Morgan Hill Oak Meadow Plaza Urban Service Area Expansion, General Plan Amendments, Pre-zoning, and Annexation
2012088116 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Class 1* Permit Modification, change of ownership from San Joaquin Filter Recycling (SJFR) to World Oil-San Joaquin, LLC (WOSJ)
2011061008 California Department of Transportation, District 8 I-15/I-215 Interchange Improvements
1998072090 City of Antioch Roddy Ranch Project