Friday, June 22, 2012

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33 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2012032013 City of Woodside 121 Fox Hollow Road - Existing Unpermitted Improvements within the Stream Corridor of Bear Gulch Creek
2012052013 Napa County Resource Conservation District Krupp Brothers Winery Use Permit Application No. P11-00348 and Conservation Regulations Stream Setback Exception No. P11-00495
2012062069 Solano County Western Grove Obstruction Removal Project for the Nut Tree Airport
2012062066 State Water Resources Control Board Water Right Application 30745 - Peter Michael
2012061078 City of Palmdale Conditonal Use Permit (CUP) 08-08 Time Extension (TE)
2012068303 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Human Health Risk Assessment/Feasibility Study/Removal Action Workplan for the former Lodi Manufactured Gas Plant
2009072014 Sonoma County Best Family Winery - Use Permit Modification of August 2, 2012
2012068306 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Bridge Maintenance
2012068304 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Interim Measures Workplan for Soils and Soil Vapor at Plant I of the Northrop East Complex Facility
2012042001 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 (Central Valley), Sacramento Prima Bella Produce, Inc. and Mark Bacchetti, Prima Bella Food Processing Facility
2005122137 California Department of Transportation, District 6 State Route 132, Lone Tree Creek Culvert Extension
2012041065 City of South Pasadena Wilson Reservoir Replacement Project
2012068307 Fish & Game #2 Petroleum Creek Gas Line 400 Maintenance Project, LAA 1600-2012-0089-R2
2012041033 San Luis Obispo County Zubillaga Parcel Map
2012061076 City of Chula Vista Chula Vista Energy Park, IS-09-014
2010041053 Orange County Water District Modifications to the North Basin Groundwater Protection Project
2012052043 Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency Unionhouse Creek Channel Improvements Project
2012061040 Santa Barbara County Goleta Beach County Park Managed Beach Retreat Project 2.0
2012042013 San Mateo County Single Use Bag Ban Ordinance
2012061077 Ventura County LU11-0136
2012068302 Department of Real Estate Lease for New Office Space
2007122027 City and County of San Francisco 8 Washington/Seawall Lot 351 Project
2012052020 Napa County Cairdean Winery
2012062067 Napa County Kenzo Estate Inc Vineyard Conversion
2004114003 Fish & Game #3 South Bay Salt Ponds Restoration Project (Eden Landing Ecological Reserve Wetland Restoration Construction)
2011122079 Placer County Sewer Maintenance District 3 Regional Sewer Project
2011122056 Contra Costa County CP#11-91/Project No. 0662-6R4101
2012061075 City of San Diego Bike Master Plan
2003071160 Cachuma Operation and Maintenance Board (COMB) Quiota Creek Fish Passage
2012068305 Fish & Game, Wildlife Conservation Board Mountain House Conservation Bank
2006102050 California State University Board of Trustees San Francisco State University, Creative Arts Building, Phase l Utility Extension, Delegated Schematic Design Phase Approval and Addendum to Master Plan EIR
2012062068 Union Sanitary District Cogeneration Project
2012068308 Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority Lechuza Beach - Public Access Improvements Project - Revised June 2012