Thursday, May 19, 2011

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43 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2011058201 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Henry J. Mills Water Treatment Plant Hazardous Water Staging and Handling Facility Improvements Project
2010081020 Regents of the University of California Glen Mor 2 Student Apartments
2011058204 California Department of Parks and Recreation Phoebe A. Hearst Social Hall South End Renovation
2011051059 Orange County Borrego Canyon Channel
2011052058 City of Alameda North Park Street Regulating Code
2011031082 Marina Coast Water District Watkins Gate Well and Pipeline Project
2011052055 City of Vacaville Arroyo Vista Subdivision
2011058198 California Department of Parks and Recreation Temporary Repair of Ramp at Low Bridge (10-11-SD-56)
2011051056 City of Reedley Manning Avenue Sidewalk Expansion
2011058195 Fish & Game #3 Lower Jones Levee Repair Project
2011058202 California Department of Parks and Recreation Campground Iron Ranger Replacement
2011058199 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Butte Valley Wildlife Area - Unit 2A Wetland Enhancement
2011058196 Fish & Game #3 Lake Merritt Shoreline Enhancement Project
2011058193 California Energy Commission Grant Award # ARV-10-047 to Solazyme, Inc. (Recipient)
2008071075 California Department of Transportation, District 8 State Route 91 Corridor Improvement Project
2011051054 Merced Irrigation District Middle Dallas Lateral Extension
2010062051 City of Berkeley Berkeley Public Library, West Branch
2010062051 City of Berkeley South Branch
2011058190 California Department of Parks and Recreation Easement to Tahoe City Public Utility District
2011051057 Santa Barbara County Orcutt School District General Plan Amendment and Rezone
2011058194 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland NPDES Permit Reissuance for Livermore-Amador Valley Water Management Agency Export and Storage Facilities Intermittent Wet Weather Discharge
2011052057 Napa County Davidowski Soda Canyon Vineyard #P10-00203-ECPA
2011051055 Santa Barbara County ETAM/Estelle Vineyards Tentative Tract Map Case No. 08TRM-00000-00003/TM 14,749
2011052054 City of Healdsburg 2011 Amended & Restated Sotoyome Community Devlopment Plan for the Sotoyome Comm. Dev. Project
2003082131 University of California, Berkeley Amendment of the UC Berkeley 2020 Long Range Development Plan and Approval of Electrical Switching Station 6
2011058191 California Energy Commission The Projected Effects of Climate Change Induced Changes in Vegetation on Future Hydrologic Energy Generation in California
2011058197 California Department of Parks and Recreation Bluffs Fence Posts Replacement
2003121049 Santa Barbara County Diamond Rock Sand and Gravel Mining and Processing Facility
2011051058 Ventura County Crown Pointe Estates Subdivision and Zone Change
2011051052 City of Morro Bay 1700 Main Street-Taco Bell Remodel
2010111057 City of Manteca Proposed Redevelopment Plan for the Manteca Redevelopment Project No. 3
2011042018 Santa Cruz County Interim Programmatic Habitat Conservation Plan (IPHCP)
2011058188 University of California Electrical Switching Station 6
2011051053 Cambria Community Services District Geotechnical/Geophysical Research Investigation Study at Santa Rosa Creek Beach and Shamel Park Beach, Cambria, CA
2011058192 California Energy Commission Renewable Resource Management in a Microgrid
2003121087 Santa Barbara County Revised Mining and Reclamation Plan for Granite Construction State Mine I.D. #:91-42-0022
2011058189 State Water Resources Control Board Application 31468 to Appropriate Water of CEMEX, Inc.
2011021060 City of Delano Adoption of Airport Master Plan for Delano Municipal Airport, Solar Facility and Specific Plan Amendment
2011051061 Tehachapi Valley Healthcare District Tehachapi Hospital Project
2011058200 Fish & Game #5 Mission Creek Fish Passage Improvement Project
2008082117 Placer County Timberline at Auburn (PEIR 'T20080139)
2011041057 City of Los Angeles ILWU Local 13 Dispatch Hall
2011058203 California Department of Parks and Recreation Split Rail Fence Installation