SCH Number 2003121049

Project Info

Diamond Rock Sand and Gravel Mine and Processing Facility
Request of Troesh Materials, Inc., Represented by Sespe Consulting, to consider Case No. 11RVP-00000-00032 for approval of a revision to the previously approved Diamond Rock Mine and Processing facility (Case No. 03CUP-00000-00037 and 03RRP-00000-0002, respectively0 in compliance with Sections 35.84.040.E.2, 35.080.020 and 35.80.060 of the County Land Use and Development Code, on property zoned U (Ordinance 661) & AG-II-40; and to accept the Addendum to Environmental Impact Report (05EIR-00000-00001) pursuant to Section 15164 of the State Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act. There are no new significant effects on the environment in the following categories: Air Quality due to emission of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) from equipment at the project site, as well as significant but mitigable effects related to Drainage and Flooding, Geologic Hazards, Biological Resources, Traffic, noise, Air Quality, Visual Resources and "Quality of Life" issues in the vicinity of the project site.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Santa Barbara County Revision to the Previously Approved Diamond Rock Mine and Processing Rock
Santa Barbara County Diamond Rock Sand and Gravel Mining and Processing Facility
Santa Barbara County Diamond Rock Sand and Gravel Mine and Processing Facility
Santa Barbara County Diamond Rock Sand and Gravel Mining and Processing Facility
Santa Barbara County Diamond Rock Sand and Gravel Mining and Processing Facility