Monday, September 27, 2004

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81 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2004091146 City of Bakersfield Gosford-Panama Development
200406 United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs Agua Caliente Indians APN 508-055-003
200422 United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians APN 513-050-010-3
2004062012 City of Burlingame North Burlingame / Rollins Road Specific Plan Mitigated Negative Declaration
2004082090 California Department of Transportation, District 1 North Fork Navarro River Debris Barrier Removal
2004098408 California Department of Transportation, District 12 PCH/Superior Signal Lighting Improvements
2001011023 City of Carlsbad Coastal Rail Trail (EIA 00-06)
1990020408 Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) Addendum to the FInal EIS/EIR for the Coachella Canal Lining Project;
2004098398 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 83NE-34S (030-25952)
2004098395 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 955R-29 (030-25947)
2004098392 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 545L1-29 (030-25944)
2004098389 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 946D-29 (030-25941)
2004098409 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Santa Fe Energy" 15 (030-25951)
2004098386 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 8-4ST (030-25922)
2004098397 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 535Z1-29 (030-25949)
2004098388 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 555C2-29 (030-25940)
2004098394 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 945N-29 (030-25946)
2004098391 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 955L-29 (030-25943)
2004098399 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 13S-35S (030-25950)
2004098396 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 534R2-29 (030-25948)
2004098387 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 935A-29 (0302-25939)
2004098393 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 954MR-29 (030-25945)
2004098390 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 935F-29 (030-25942)
2003122003 California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) San Quentin State Prison Condemned Inmate Complex
2004021007 Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) Reclaimed Water Storage Facilities Modifications
2004021007 Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) Reclaimed Water Storage Facilities Modifications
2004072042 City of Eureka #930898
2004092120 City of Fort Bragg Georgia-Pacific Building Demolition
2004091149 Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District Routine Maintenance Activities in Unimproved and Disturbed Natural Channels
2004091155 Glendale Community College Glendale Community College District Master Plan Update-Glendale College Campus
2004052134 Humboldt County Randall Sand & Gravel CUP-02-41
1996052011 Humboldt County Revisions to the 2003 Housing Element
2004092122 Humboldt County Townsend Minor Subdivision
2004091154 City of Huntington Beach Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 03-04
1992042028 Kern County Request for Extension of Time to Operate CUP 4, Map 97
2003042030 City of Lincoln Lincoln 270 Annexation Project
2004091143 Los Angeles County 02-219 / PM 26866 Subdivision
2004091150 Los Angeles County Independence East Side Regreening Project and Town Water System
2004091144 City of Madera DMP / Atamian Prezoning #I-03-16 and Annexation #II-03-07
2004099075 Mendocino County Polsley Gravel Extraction
2004091147 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Foothill Feeder Inspection and Maintenance Program
2002052081 Modesto City Schools Joseph A. Gregori High School
2002021130 Monterey County Pebble Beach Company's Del Monte Forest Preservation and Development Plan
2004092117 City of Orinda Subdivision 8101 - Orinda Oaks LLC
2004052130 City of Oroville City of Oroville Visitor's Center / Chamber of Commerce
2004091142 Pajaro River Watershed Flood Prevention Authority Soap Lake Floodplain Preservation
2002081122 California Department of Parks and Recreation Tijuana River Estuary Visitor Center Addition (MF 642)
2004098410 California Department of Parks and Recreation Rock Pillar Repair, Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park
2004062026 Placer County Blue Oaks Ranch Grading (DGP 2004 3232)
2004092121 Plumas County Downing Meadow Restoration
2004032085 Reclamation District 2060 Hastings Tract Fish Screen and Intake Pipe Relocation Project
2004098407 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland Dhaliwal Home Construction and Wetland Restoration
2004098404 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland Adoption of Amendment Order to Site Cleanup Requirements for the Property Referred to as Hookston Station and Located at 228 Hookston Road, Pleasant Hill, Contr
2004098406 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland Adoption of Regional Board Order No. R2-2004-0080, Keller Canyon Landfill, Pittsburgh, Contra Costa County
2004098405 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland East Brother Light Station, Inc., Issuance of NPDES Permit
2004098403 Sacramento County Grading Permit for 10842 Gay Road in Wilton
2004098400 Sacramento County Annexation of the Barrett Ranch Subdivision to the Sacramneto County Landscape Maintenance Community Facilites District No. 2004-02 (CFD)
2004098401 Sacramento County Kautz/Steeke Boundary Line Adjustment
2004098402 Sacramento County Gilliam Bounday Line Adjustment
2004091145 San Bernardino Flood Control District Sultana-Cypress Storm Drain Phase II
2004091151 San Luis Obispo County Baier Major Grading Permit (PMT2003-04021)
2004091148 San Luis Obispo County Santa Ysabel Avenue Traffic Calming and Pedestrian Safety Project
2004091153 San Luis Obispo County Butterfield Parcel Map CO04-0215 / SUB2003-0317
2004092118 Santa Cruz County DeMattei Beach Drive House and Revetment
2004052012 Solano Transportation Authority Bridge Replacement
2004012111 Sonoma County Hood Mountain Regional Park Expansion Project
2004092119 Tehama County Parcel Map 04-30
2004071099 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Removal Action Workplan, Sector C, Block N, Former Aliso Street Manufactured Gas Plant Los Angeles, California
2003081069 City of Walnut 25-Acre Leming Permit
2003092084 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) South Bay Aqueduct Improvement and Enlargement Project
2004061133 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Tehachapi East Afterbay Project
2004091152 City of Woodlake Woodlake Wastewater Treatment / Disposal
2004098419 Fish & Game #3 Plant Road Channel Maintenance
2004098422 Fish & Game #3 Loasa Bridge Replacement
2004098421 Fish & Game #3 Scotts Creek Bank Restoration
2004098418 Fish & Game #3 Wolf Creek Bridge Replacement
2004098420 Fish & Game #3 Lilac Lane Stream Crossing
2004098423 Fish & Game #3 Cameron Via Roble
2004098417 Fish & Game #7 Sabrina Dam Repair
2004072072 Fish & Game #7 Rush Creek Sediment Removal Project, Formerly Rush Creek Sediment Removal and Wetland Development Project