Thursday, October 22, 2015

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92 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2015108368 California State Lands Commission Amendment of Lease - PRC 9282.1
2015108345 California State Lands Commission Terminiation of a Recreational Pier LEase and Issuance of a General Lease - Recreational Use - PRC 7148.1
2015108322 Trinity County Planning/Design for Treatment Plant Upgrade
2015108388 California State Lands Commission Consider Authorizating the Expenditure of Tidelands funds, in an Amount Not to Exceed $667,698, by the City of Redondo Beach for the Emergency Repair
2015108328 California State Lands Commission Acceptance of a Quitclaim Deed and Issuance of a General Lease - Recrational Use - PRC 1710.1
2015108365 California State Lands Commission Termination of Public Agency and Issuance of a General LEase - Public AGnecy Use - PRC 4348.9
2015108342 California State Lands Commission Termination of a Recreational PIer Lease and Issuance of a General Lease - Recreational Use - PRC 4178.1
2015102062 City of Lathrop Pilot Flying J Travel Center
2015108348 California State Lands Commission Revision of Rent and Endorsement of Sublease - PRC 532.1
2015108385 California State Lands Commission Consider Approval of the Petaluma Theatre District Compromise Title Settlement Agreement Regarding Certain Interest in Lands on the 200 and 300 Blocks of 1st St
2015108325 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 3 (CDFW) Fowler Creek Bank Stabilization
2012091048 Santa Barbara County Goleta Valley Community Plan for the Eastern Goleta Valley
2012091048 Santa Barbara County Eastern Goleta Valley Community Plan
2015108382 California State Lands Commission Consider Acceptance of the Final Report and Closing Statement for the Long Beach Unit Annual Plan (July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015), Long Beach Unit
2015108359 California State Lands Commission General Lease - OTher - W 26867
2015108336 California State Lands Commission Amendment of Lease and REvision of Rent - PRC 7449.1
2015108379 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Right-Of-Way Use PRC 3193.1
2015108319 San Diego Unified Port District San Diego Brewers Guild Festival
2015108356 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Public Agency Use - PRC 3618.9
2015108362 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Recreational Use - PRC 7189.1
2015108339 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Recreational Use - PRC 8603.1
2015108376 California State Lands Commission COnsider Acceptance of an Offer of Dedication of Lateral Access Easement - W 24665
2015101074 Fresno County IS 6994 and CUP 3504 (The Termo Company)
2015108323 Los Angeles County SRA Clear Creek Fire Hazard Reduction
2015108360 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Recreational and Protective Structure Use - PRC 5159.1
2012082041 Glenn County Solide Waste Conversion Facility
2015108383 California State Lands Commission Consider An Application for a Permit to Conduct a Non-Exclusive Geophysical Survey Using an Unmanned, Autonomous Wave Glider on Tide and Submerged Lands
2015101075 City of Long Beach Southeast Area Specific Plan
2015108337 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Recreational Use - PRC 5449.1
2009041006 Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2000-0179-R4)
2015108343 California State Lands Commission Correction to Prior Authorization - PRC 3203.1
2015108380 California State Lands Commission Consider Application for a One Year EXtension of a Mineral Prospecting permit for Minerals Other Than Oil, Gas, Geothermal Resouirces, and Sand and Gravel
2015108357 California State Lands Commission Amendment of Lease and Revision of Rent - PRC 7954.1
2015108363 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Recreational and Protective Structure Use - PRC 6934.1
2015108340 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Recreational Use - PRC 3553.1
2015108317 San Diego Unified Port District Changes to the FY 2014-2018 Capital Improvement Program, Reallocation of Capital Improvement Program Funds, and Amendments to BPC Policy No. 120 and BPC Policy
2015082028 San Joaquin County PA-1500038 (SU)
2015102065 Vacaville Unified School District Will C. Wood High School Stadium Project
2015108374 California State Lands Commission Amendment of LEase - PRC 9192.1
2015011042 City of Los Angeles 5750 Hollywood Boulevard Mixed-Use Project
2015108351 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Recreational Use - PRC 4204.1
2015108334 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 4 (CDFW) Rattlesnake Canyon Wildlife Water Trough and Tank Installations
2015108371 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Recreational and Protective Structure Use - W 26800
2015108377 California State Lands Commission Consider Acceptance of an Offer of Dedication of Lateral Access Easement - W 24665
2015108354 California State Lands Commission General Lease - INdustrial Use - PRC 6695.1
2015108391 LOSSAN Rail Corridor Agency Pacific Surfliner Transit Transfer Program
2015108331 California Department of Parks and Recreation Maintenance and Carpenter Shop Repairs and Roof Replacements
2015108338 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Recreational Use - PRC 4232.1
2015108375 California State Lands Commission Rescission of Approval of a General Lease - Public Agency Use, Terminaiton of a General Lease - Public Agency Use; Issuance of A General Lease - Public Agency U
2015108352 California State Lands Commission Correction to Prior Authorization and Amendment of Lease - PRC 6454.1
2015102072 Yolo County Bogle Wind Turbine Project
2015108358 California State Lands Commission Amendment of Lease - PRC 8767.9
2015108335 California Department of Parks and Recreation Kiosk Removal
2015108378 California State Lands Commission Termination and Issuance of a General Lease - Public Agency Use - PRC 6439.1
2002111067 San Diego County Hanson El Monte Pond Flood Control, Restoration and Recharge Project
2015108355 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Public AGency Use - PRC 3617.9
2015108332 State Water Resources Control Board Soults MWC Feasibility Study to Consolidate with the City of TUlare
2015101073 City of Los Angeles Crossroads Hollywood
2015102066 California Department of Transportation, District 6 State Route 88 Pine Grove Corridor Improvement Project
2014032087 Placer County Martis Valley West Parcel Specific Plan Project
2015108329 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Recreational Use - PRC 8271.1
2012089017 Nevada County Maybert Road Bridge Replacement (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2015-0130-R2)
2015108389 California State Lands Commission Consider a Compromise Title Settlement and Land Exchange Agreement Involving certain Interests in Land Located Adjacent to and in the San Gabriel River
2015108366 California State Lands Commission Amendment of Lease - PRC 4244.1
2015108372 California State Lands Commission Amendment of Lease - PRC 9134.1
2015108349 California State Lands Commission Assignment of Lease - PRC 8938.9
2015108386 California State Lands Commission Consider Authorizing the Executive Officer to Sign, As a Consulting Party, The Agreement Titled *Final Programmatic Agreement Among the Advisory Council
2015108326 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 2 (CDFW) Riverwood HOA Fire Prevention Project (LSA#1600-2015-0103-R2)
2015108369 California State Lands Commission Amendment of Lease - PRC 9086.1
2015108346 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Recreational Use - PRC 4456.1
2015108353 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Commercial Use - PRC 8705.1
2015108330 California State Lands Commission Amendment of Lease and Revision of Rent - PRC 8913.1
2015108390 California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) Lease of Existing Office Space
2015102064 Del Norte County Blake ALexandre Pole Barn
2015108373 California State Lands Commission Assignment of Lease - PRC 9090.1
2015108350 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Recreational Use - PRC 6158.1
2015108327 Del Norte County Smith River Community Hall Accessible Facilities Improvements
2015108333 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Meadow Lakes North Fuel Break Tree Felling Modification
2015108370 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Recreational and Protective Structure Use - W 26878
2015108347 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Recreational Use - PRC 5600.1
2014051029 City of Menifee Cimarron Ridge Specific Plan No. 2013-247, Tentative Parcel Map 36657, Tentative Tract Map 36658, General Plan Amendment No. 2014-016, Zone Change No. 2014-017
2015108367 California State Lands Commission Assignment of Lease - PRC 9281.9
2015108321 California Department of Transportation, District 5 Santa Cruz 152 ADA
2015108344 California State Lands Commission Assignment of Lease - PRC 8868.9
2015108381 California State Lands Commission Consider Approval of Qualifying Miles for Subventions for Fiscal Year 2015-2016, to the Counties of Ventura and Santa BArbara
2015108387 California State Lands Commission Review the Proposed Expenditure of Tideland Oil Revenues, in an Amount Not to Exceed $378,610, by the City of Long Beach for a Capital Improvement Project
2015108364 California State Lands Commission General Lease - PUblic Agency Use - PRC 8640.9
2015108341 California State Lands Commission Termination of a Recreational PIer Lease and Issuance of a General Lease - Recreational Use - PRC 4283.1
2015108318 San Diego Unified Port District Harbor Police Administration Building Windows Replacement and Shelter Island Harbor Control Building Doors and Windows Replacement
2015108324 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 3 (CDFW) Capistrano Bridge Retaining Wall Reinforcement Project
2015108384 California State Lands Commission Consider Approval, of a NOn-Exclusive Geological Surve Permit in the Mare Island Strait, Napa River, Solano County - W6005.162
2015108361 California State Lands Commission Correction to Prior Authorization - PRC 9140.1