SCH Number 2015011042

Project Info

5750 Hollywood Boulevard Project
Note: 1 CD The Project would demolish existing on-site improvements (i.e., vacant two-story building [c. 1927-1937], vacant one-story building [c. 1924], surface parking, landscaping) and develop in their place a seven-story, 86-foot building containing 161 residential dwellings including market-rate and affordable housing, 5 live/work units with 5,723 sf of ground-floor retail space on Hollywood Boulevard, studio, one-, and two-bedroom dwellings, lofts, and private open space and recreation amenities for the use of residents. Dwellings may be marketed as rental apartments or for-sale condominiums. Structured parking for 271 vehicle parking spaces and 96 bicycle spaces would be provided in two subterranean levels and one at-grade level. The Project proposes to salvage selected architectural features from the c. 1924 building for installation in the Project building.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Los Angeles 5750 Hollywood Boulevard Project
City of Los Angeles 5750 Hollywood Boulevard Mixed-Use Project
City of Los Angeles 5750 Hollywood Boulevard Mixed-Use Project