Friday, June 19, 2009

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39 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2009068273 California Department of Transportation, Headquarters Gregg Double Track Project
2009041071 City of Corona R-3 Reservoir Replacement
2009068267 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Lake California Water Intake Fish Screen
2009061077 City of Fresno Villas at Fig Garden
2005092048 Lake County City of Lakeport, Department of Public Works GPC 05-03, IS 05-04
2009061084 City of Los Angeles Century Plaza Mixed-Use Development
2009021100 City of Malibu How's Market and Trancas Shopping Center Rennovation
2009068263 City of Manteca West Yosemite Avenue Proposition 1B Rehabilitation Project
2008101034 Orange County Midway City Storm Drain and Street Improvement Project
2009068277 California Department of Parks and Recreation California Indian Heritage Center - Cook Inlet Region Inc. and West Riverview LLC. Land Acquisitions
2009068272 California Department of Parks and Recreation Modular Home Replacement Project - Prairie City State Vehicular Recreation Area (SVRA)
2009068264 Placer County Sutter Auburn Faith Solar Array Project (PDSB 20080620)
2009061083 City of Poway Poway Walmart Expansion Project
2008092020 City of Redding Salt Creek Heights Subdivision
2009068268 San Benito County Southside Road Overlay Project (American Recovery Reinvestment Act / No. 697)
2009041068 San Diego County Sweet Phase III Trail: Adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration (District: 1)
2009061080 San Diego County TM 5522/R06-018/ER 06-14-051; Sunset View Estates Major Subdivision (19 lots)
2009061079 San Diego County Ranchita Major Subdivision (17-lots); Tentative Map; TPM5516; ER06-10-007
2009061078 San Diego County TPM 208111RPL7; Mustafa Minor Subdivision
2008092104 San Joaquin County Streambed Alteration Agreement with DFG for Routine Maintenance of Stream Channels within San Joaquin County
2009061081 South Coast Air Quality Management District Proposed Amended Rule (PAR) 1145 - Plastic, Rubber, Leather and Glass Coatings
2009061088 South Coast Air Quality Management District Proposed Amended Regulation XX-Regional Clean Air Incentives Market (RECLAIM)
2009068265 State Water Resources Control Board Petitions for Change
2008122051 Sutter County Live Oak Boat Ramp Improvements
2009051090 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Remedial Action Plan, Kinder Morgan Liquids Terminals, LLC (KMLT), Gaffey Street Terminal Site (Site)
2009068266 Turlock Unified School District Change In School Facilities Fees
2009052066 City of Vacaville New Life Church
2009032088 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) San Joaquin Flood Protection Project, Five Critical Erosion Sites, San Joaquin River, RM 41.4L,42.1R,42.5R
2009062072 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Sutter Bypass Pumping Plants Control System Rehabilitation Project
2009061082 City of West Hollywood Plummer Park Improvement Project
2005042083 City of West Sacramento River 2 Raley's Landing
2009062074 City of Willows South Willows Commercial and Industrial Center
2009062073 Yosemite Community College District Modesto Junior College-West Campus Measure E Phase I Facilities Repair, Upgrade & New Construction Project
2009062071 Yuba City City of Yuba Housing Element Update
2009068269 Fish & Game #2 North Cirby Way PG&E Pipeline Directional Bore (1600-2009-0062-R2)
2009068270 Fish & Game #4 Agreement No. 2009-0044-R4; 1540 Marsh Street Retaining Wall
2009068271 Fish & Game #4 Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 2009-0038-R4 for the Construction of a Driveway & Installation of 2 Parallel Culverts Across Unnamed Tributary to Aqua Fria
2009068276 Fish & Game #5 Elsmere and Whitney Canyon Habitat Restoration
2009068275 Fish & Game #5 Landfill Removal