SCH Number 2005092048

Project Info

Soda Bay Road Realignment
The subject of this project is the construction of new roadway, the widening and rehabilitation of existing roadway, the installation of drainage improvements, and the installation of pedestrian walkways along Soda Bay Road and Mission Rancheria Road. The existing culvert at Rumsey Slough will be removed and replaced with a longer pipe that will extend beneath the new and old portions of Soda Bay Road; a distance of about 160 ft. About 320 ft of existing roadside ditch running easterly from Rumsey Slough on the southerly edge of Soda Bay Road will be filled and replaced with a piped culvert system.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Lake County City of Lakeport, Department of Public Works GPC 05-03, IS 05-04
Lake County City of Lakeport, Department of Public Works GPC 05-03, IS 05-04
Lake County Soda Bay Road Realignment
Lake County Soda Bay Road Realignment Project