Friday, January 17, 2020
- Received Date
- 2020-01-17
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48 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2020010277 | NOE | Kern County | PLN20-00086 | |
2020010276 | NOE | Kern County | PLN20-00084 | |
2020010275 | NOE | Kern County | PLN20-00071 | |
2020010274 | NOE | Kern County | PLN20-00070 | |
2020010273 | NOE | Kern County | PLN20-00057 | |
2020010272 | NOE | Kern County | PLN20-00054 | |
2020010271 | NOE | Kern County | PLN20-00048 | |
2020010270 | NOE | Tuolumne County | Kewin Mill Reconstruction Project (#1730) | |
2020010269 | NOE | Tuolumne County | Tuolumne Road North Rehabilitation Project (#1729) | |
2020010268 | NOE | City of Turlock | Conditional Use Permit 2019-08 Firehouse | |
2020010267 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Nature Area Interpretive Welcome Panel | |
2013121056 | NOD | Los Angeles County | Los Valles Residential Development Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600- 2016-0203-R5) | |
2019029016 | EIR | Fremont Unified School District | Thornton Middle School Conversion Project | |
2011102038 | NOD | Coastside County Water District | Petition for Extension of Time for Permit 15882 (A022680) for Coastside County Water District | |
2020010265 | NDE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 (Central Valley), Sacramento | Amendments To The Water Quality Control Plans For The Sacramento River And San Joaquin River Basins And Tulare Lake Basin To Incorporate A Central Valley-Wide S | |
2017111069 | NOD | City of Oceanside | The North River Farms Planned Development Plan | |
2020010263 | NOE | Santa Margarita Water District | Santa Margarita Water District Annexation | |
2020010262 | NOE | Fremont Union High School District | Cupertino High School Improvements | |
2020010261 | NOE | City of Fresno | Sage Blackstone - CUP P19-02068 | |
2020010260 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 6 (CDFW) | Hopkins Project 1600-2019-0075-R6 | |
2018062071 | NOD | City of Santa Cruz | Newell Creek Dam (NCD) Inlet-Outlet Replacement Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0050-R3) | |
2017072023 | NOD | Yolo County | Yolo County Bridge Replacement (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0246- R2) | |
2020010259 | NOE | Robla School District | Bell Avenue Elementary School New Construction and Modernization Project | |
2020010258 | NOE | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Riverside County Perris Emergency Command Center Remodel | |
2020010257 | NOE | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Conex Modification | |
2020010256 | NOE | Redwoods Community College District | Gymnasium Complex Drop and Replace, Seismic Replacement Project | |
2020010255 | NOE | Lake County | California Department of Transportation/Smith Access Road | |
2020019053 | MND | City of Carson | 19500 Main Street Digital Billboards Project | |
2020019052 | MND | San Mateo County | Zmay 3-Lot Minor Subdivision, Grading Permit and Resource Management (RM) Permits | |
2019049066 | EIR | Department of General Services (DGS) | Capitol Annex Project | |
2018102007 | EIR | City of Vallejo | Fairview at Northgate EIR | |
2015021024 | NOD | Kern-Tulare Water District | Oil Field Water Reuse Project | |
2014062087 | FIN | Sacramento County | Mather South Community Master Plan Project | |
2005091113 | NOD | Southwestern Community College District (SWC ) | Southwestern College Otay Mesa Additional Facilities | |
2020010254 | NOE | Kern County | PLN20-00082 | |
2020010253 | NOE | Kern County | PLN20-00081 | |
2020010252 | NOE | Resource Conservation District of Greater San Diego | San Diego River Healthy Headwaters: US Forest Service Cleveland National Forest - Invasive Weed Treatment, Impacted Site Management and Restoration, and... | |
2020010251 | NOE | Resource Conservation District of Greater San Diego | San Diego River Healthy Headwaters: US Forest Service Cleveland National Forest - Invasive Weed Treatment, Impacted Site Management and Restoration, and... | |
2020010250 | NOE | State Water Resources Control Board | Operation of new Well 02 at the Terhel Farms Trailer Park #1 | |
2020010249 | NOE | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California | Lake Skinner Outlet Conduit Shutdown | |
2020010248 | NOE | California Conservation Corps (CCC) | Facility Development of 1425 5th Street Phase 2 | |
2020010247 | NOE | California State University, East Bay | Applied Sciences Center | |
2020010246 | NOP | City of Oakland | 460 24th Street | |
2020010245 | NOE | State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Rights | Application 29129 - Petition for Extension of Time for Water Right Permit 20341 | |
2020010244 | NOE | Lake County | Menaugh, Lakebed Encroachment, CE 19-92 | |
2020010243 | NOE | Lake County | Losch, Lakebed Encroachment, CE 19-94 | |
2020010242 | NOE | Lake County | Neasham, Lot Line Adjustment, LLA 19-08 |