SCH Number 2017072023

Project Info

County Road 95 Bridge Replacement Project
The CR 95 Bridge over Dry slough (No. 22C-125) located approx 300 ft north of CR31 will be replaced. The replacement of this bridge is to improve vehicle safety while traveling on the county road. The new bridge length will be determined during preliminary engineering. The new bridge will be designed to accommodate two 12 ft wide travel lanes and two 8 ft wide shoulders. Earthwork and rock slope protection within the Slough may be needed. A storm water pollution prevention plans and sediment control will be implemented during construction. Utilities may need to be relocated. A temporary detour will be installed west of the existing road.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Yolo County Yolo County Road 95 Bridge Replacement Project
Yolo County Yolo County Bridge Replacement (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0246- R2)
Yolo County County Road 95 Bridge Replacement Project over Dry Slough
Yolo County County Road 95 Bridge Replacement Project