Friday, November 9, 2018
- Received Date
- 2018-11-09
- Edit Search
39 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2018118170 | NOE | Kern County | PLN18-01933 | |
2018118172 | NOE | Kern County | PLN18-01932 | |
2018111022 | MND | City of Laguna Beach | South Laguna House - DR 18-2174, CDP 18-2175 | |
2018112029 | MND | Marin County | Rogers Design Review and Tree Removal Permit | |
2018118171 | NOE | Metropolitan Transportation Commission | Next Generation Clipper (C2) Regional Fare Payment System Integrator | |
2018052079 | EIR | Natomas Unified School District | Paso Verde School | |
2018118162 | NOE | City of Pacific Grove | Burford Architectural Permit and Variance (AP VAR 18-0679) 1124 Beacon Ave., PG | |
2018118163 | NOE | City of Pacific Grove | Pacific Grove Inn Use Permit (UP 18-0768), 581 Pine St/408 Forest Ave. | |
2018118161 | NOE | City of Pacific Grove | Nimri Architectural Permit (AP 18-0641), 475 Lighthouse Ave., PG | |
2018118174 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Ano Nuevo Employee Parking Area | |
2008102003 | NOD | City of Pittsburg | Adoption of an Ordinance Approving an Amended and Restated Development Agreement between the City of Pitssburg and Garaventa Enterprises, Inc., AP-18-1368 (DA) | |
2018092004 | NOD | Sacramento County | North Vineyard Plaza | |
2018118158 | NOE | Sacramento County | 47th Avenue Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements | |
2018118157 | NOE | Sacramento County | 44th Avenue Pedestrian/Beautification Project Phase 2 | |
2018092005 | NOD | Sacramento County | Caselman South | |
2009021017 | NOD | San Bernardino County | Pioneertown Water Systems Improvement Project | |
2018111024 | NOP | City of San Diego | Kearny Mesa Community Plan Update | |
2010012027 | NOD | San Joaquin County Area Flood Control Agency | Lower San Joaquin River Feasibility Study | |
2018112028 | NEG | City of San Jose | Bridge Housing Communities Project | |
2018111023 | MND | San Luis Obispo County | Dolny-Alabaster DRC2018-00069 Minor Use Permit | |
2005061118 | NOP | City of Santee | Fanita Ranch | |
2018112030 | MND | City of Scotts Valley | 22 Blake Lane - Lantana Homes Four-Lot Residential Subdivion | |
2018118164 | NOE | California Tahoe Conservancy | Alta Mira Shoreline Stabilization Project | |
2018118165 | NOE | California Tahoe Conservancy | Assignment of Bailey Land Capability Class 1-3 Restoration Credit to enable construction of a new garage to an existing residence. | |
2018118169 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Hazardous Waste Management Facility Permit Renewal, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Diablo Canyon Power Plant | |
2018112027 | MND | City of Biggs | Biggs Water Tank Project | |
2018102003 | NOD | City of Blue Lake | Annie and Mary Trail - Phase 1 | |
201816 | BIA | United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs | Rincon Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Rincon Reservation - APN: 133-190-11-00 | |
2018118160 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 12 | Resurface mainline with RHMA | |
2018118168 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 9 | Tioga Lodge Culvert | |
2016071036 | EIR | City of Clovis | Shaw Avenue Widening between De Wolf and McCall Avenues Project | |
2018081065 | NOD | City of Corona | SMP2017-0101; SMRP2018 and DA2018-0002 | |
2018119007 | NOC | California Energy Commission | Stanton Energy Reliability Center | |
2018118173 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 5 (CDFW) | Little Mesa Trail Repair and Restoration Project | |
2018118167 | NOE | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | CA Department of Forestry and Fire protection Smartsville Fire Station Project | |
2011071042 | NOD | Fresno County | CSA 34 Winchell Cover Pipeline (Amendment to Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2015-0143-R4) | |
2018091038 | NOD | City of Highland | Boulder Avenue Improvements Project; Environmental Determination (ENV-18-013) | |
2015102005 | NOD | Humboldt County | Emery Stream Crossing Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2018-0052-R1) | |
2018118159 | NOE | Kern County | PLN18-01898 |