SCH Number 2018092005
Project Info
- Title
- Caselman South
- Description
- A General Plan Amendment from Agricultural Residential 1-10 acres per unit to LDR, Low Density Residential, 1-12 units per acre, approximately 19 gross acres. A Vineyard Community Plan Amendment from Agricultural Residential 5 acres per units to Residential Density 5 dwelling units per acre, approximately 19 gross acres. A Florin Vineyard Community Plan Amendment from Agricultural Residential 1-2 acres per unit to RD 3-5, Residential Density 3-5 dwelling units per acre, 19 gross acres. A Rezone from A-10 Agricultural Residential 10 acres per unit to RD-5, Residential 10 acres per unit to RD-5, Residential Density 5 dwelling units per acre, approximately 19 gross acres. A Tentative Subdivision Map to divide approximately 19 gross acres into 90 single family residential lots and three landscape lots. A Design Review to comply with the Countywide Design Guideines. The project also includes the construction of an offsite detention basin. This basin is part of the Forin Vineyard Community Plan Master Drainage Plan and is identified as Basin UHDET2.
3 documents in project