SCH Number 2018111024

Project Info

Kearny Mesa Community Plan Update
The Kearny Mesa Community Plan Update (CPU) Is a comprehensive update to the Kearny Mesa Community Plan, which was last comprehensively updated in 1992. The proposed CPU incorporates relevant policies from the City of San Diego General Plan, and provides a long-range, comprehensive policy framework and vision for growth and development in the Kearny Mesa community. The proposed CPU provides community-specific policies that further implement the General Plan with respect to the distribution and arrangement of land uses, local street and.transit network; urban design guidelines; recommendations to preserve and enhance natural open space and historic and cultural resources; and prioritization and provision of public facilities within the Kearny Mesa community.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Diego Revised Response Plan, Assessor's Parcel Number 421-050-09 (also known as Kearny Mesa)
City of San Diego Kearny Mesa Community Plan Update
City of San Diego Kearny Mesa Community Plan Update