Friday, December 21, 2012

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50 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2012128272 City of Adelanto Minor Location and Development Plan 12-06
2012121058 City of Agoura Hills Zoning Ordinance Amendment (Amending development standards of existing zoning districts)
2012111020 Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency (AVEK) Transfer and Importation of Additional State Water Project (SWP) Table A Amounts
2012101023 City of Brawley Planned Development/Zone Change (PD12-01/ZC12-02) - City of Brawley Downtown Specific Plan
2012122051 California Department of Transportation, District 6 Rockaway Shoulder Widening & Rumble Strip (Eastbound)
2012128269 California Department of Transportation, District 6 SR-180 Erosion Control
2012121068 Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) Jurisdictional Delineation and Permits for Operations and Maintenance of Whitewater River Stormwater Channel and Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel
2012128270 California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) San Francisco Bay Area Conservancy Program: Land Conservation and Stewardship
2012082045 Contra Costa County Bay Area Wireless Enhanced Broadband (Bay Web) Public Safety Wireless Network Upgrade
2012121063 City of Escondido ENV 12-0001 (Channel Maintenance Activities MS4)
2012121061 City of Farmersville Comprehensive Infrastructure Master Plan
2012128271 City of Fontana Adoption of a Resolution of the Oversight Board of the Fontana Successor Agency to the dissolved Fontana Redevelopment Agency
2012128280 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) L.A. Moran Reforestation Center (LAMRC) Seed Bank and Office Repairs
2012121066 Fresno County EA for Kings River Commons Project
2012121060 City of Hanford Hanford Downtown East Precise Plan Project
2012128281 City of Ione Downtown Master Plan
2012122049 City of Ione Wastewater Compliance Project
2012121062 Kern County McKittrick Class II Landfill Expansion Project (PP12237); ZCC 4, Map 118 /CUP 1, Map 118 (MOD) EIR 14-11 JLB
2011111021 City of La Verne Old Town La Verne Specific Plan
2012121064 Mariposa County Conditional Use Permit No. 2012-120, Ferry
2012128278 City of Modesto CUP-12-005 - A Conditional Use Permit for a 19-Bed Residential Service Facilty Located at 831 Maze Bouldvard
2004112107 Montara Water and Sanitary District Montara Water and Sanitary District Airport Wells Treatment Feasibility Study
2004112107 Montara Water and Sanitary District Montara Water and Sanitary District Airport Wells Treatment Feasibility Study
2004112107 Montara Water and Sanitary District Montara Water and Sanitary District Airport Wells Treatment Feasibility Study
1999051058 City of Monterey Park Monterey Park Market Place
2012122054 City of Mountain View 100 Moffett Residential Development Project
2009102079 Napa County Suscol Mountain Vineyards P09-00176-ECPA
2012128268 Nevada Irrigation District Deer Creek Inlet - Maintenance
2011081028 Orange County Saddle Crest Homes
2010032070 Placer County Orchard @ Penryn (PEIR 20070521)
2012128277 California Department of Public Health (CDPH) San Jose Water Company Three Mile Well 9 and Buena Vista Well 1
2012128275 California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Green Gulch farm and Zen Center Process Monitoring and Recording Equipmet Project
2012128276 California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Estero Mutual Water Company Data Logging and Recorrding Equipment Project
2012128274 California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Operation of the Replacement Hypochlorination Systems for Chapman Well No. 7 and St. Joseph Well No. 2
2012122048 City of Rancho Cordova Clear Channel Digital Freeway Sign Conditional Use Permit and Operating Agreement
2012128279 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland Reissuance of Waste Discharge Requirements for Sewerage Agency of Southern Marin
2012101037 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 9 Waste Discharge Requirements for Leuthe Residence Onsite Wastewater Treatment System
2007102030 City and County of San Francisco San Antonio Backup Pipeline Projects
2005102102 City and County of San Francisco Addendum to the Calaveras Dam Replacement Project EIR
2012122050 City of San Jose One South Market Residential Project, File No. H12-022
2012122053 City of San Jose Alco Iron and Metals Recycling Facility
2012129005 San Luis Obispo County Speizer Subdivision Parcel map SUB2010-00031/CO 10-0085
2012121067 City of San Marcos Storm Channel Maintenance Programmatic Permit
2012122055 San Mateo County La Costanera Use Permit Amendment
2012121065 Santa Barbara County Mosby Recreational Fields and Rezone Consistency
2011022013 Santa Cruz County The Farm Neighborhood Park
2001042003 Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District Metrobase Facility - Harvey West Metrobase Second Storm Outfall Replacement, San Lorenzo River
2012122052 Tehama County Project #215391 - Bowmand Road, Safe Routes to School
2012128283 Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District Conveyance of up to 5,300 acre-feet (AF) in 2013 of Central Valley Project (CVP) water stored in San Luis Reservoir to be conveyed in the CA Aquaduct
2012128282 Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District Common Landowner Transfer of up to 10,000 AF of TLBWSD 2013 State Water Project Water to Kern County Water Agnecy