Thursday, May 26, 2011

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50 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2011058267 Santa Cruz County The Santa Cruz Deputy Sheriff's Charity Rodeo
2011052084 City of Richmond Richmond-Ohlone Greenway Gap Closure
2006121075 City of Atascadero Atascadero City Hall Repair and Rehabilitation Project Amendment
2011059017 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2009-0438-R1/PTHP 2-09-096-SHA (4) "Lower Bare Rock PTHP"
2011058270 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2011-0012-R1, McConnell Bar Mine Tailing Reprocessing Project
2010118220 City of Anaheim Citywide Sanitary Sewer Improvement Program/Projects, Group 3 - Orangewood Avenue, Harbor Boulevard, Mountain View Ave., Spinnaker Street, Simmons Aven. & Lewi
2011031042 San Luis Obispo County DRC2009-00061
2011051079 City of Huntington Beach Garguis Mixed-Use Development
2009032097 Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency Natomas Levee Improvement Program, Phase 4a Landside Improvements Project
2011051076 City of Vernon Stericycle, Inc.
2011058262 City of Orange Cove Adams Avenue Reconstruction Project; Federal Project No. STPL-5301(010)
2010122034 California Fish and Game Commission (CDFGC) Waterfowl, Coot, Moorhen, and Common Snipe Hunting
2008031050 City of Escondido ER 2004-48, TR 892, 2004-52-CZ/PD/GE/PZ/DA, 2004-06-AN (Rincon Oaks Estates)
2011058259 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) NG2011-09 NextG/MetroPCS Apple Valley DAS Project
2011058265 Placer County Tahoe Resource Conservation District Watercraft Inspection
2006101173 San Luis Obispo County Corral de Piedras Land Co Conditional Use Permit
2008042067 City of Grass Valley Annexation 07PLN-46, Prezoning 07PLN-47, General Plan Amendment 07PLN-48 and Specific Plan 07PLN-49
2010118221 City of Anaheim Citywide Sanitary Sewer Improvements - Group 4 Project 1 (Model #44) Project No. 591-412-1750-7809
2011058253 City of Modesto Airport Neighbor Community Center Site Acquisition
2010122088 Fish & Game #2 Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2011-0063-R1 North Fork of South Fork Noyo River Stream Habitat Restoration Project
2010122088 Fish & Game #2 Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2011-0063-R1 Berry Gulch Stream Habitat Restoration Project
2010122088 Fish & Game #2 Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2011-0062-R1 North Fork Big River Stream Habitat Enhancement Project
2011052076 City of Santa Rosa Fourth Street Outfall and Storm Drain Replacement
2011058256 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) NG2011-05, NextG/MetroPCS Distributed Antenna System (DAS) Project
2010118218 City of Anaheim Models 141/142/143 & 176 Sewer Improvements
2011051074 City of Temecula Simms Tentative Tract Map with Zoning/General Plan Use Amendment
2011058254 California Department of Parks and Recreation Install Climate Control in Joshua Cottage
2011058260 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) NG2011-11 NextG/AT&T DAS Project
2011051078 City of Fountain Valley Fountain Valley Civic Center
2011052077 City of American Canyon General Plan Circulation and Land Use Elements (LUCE) Update
2011058257 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) NG2011-07 NextG/ Metro PCS Baldwin Hills Distributed Antenna System Project
2007072023 City of Modesto RZN-11-001/Rezone from Planned Development Zone P-D(589) to the C-2 "General Commercial" Zone to Facilitate Development Potential of the Commercial Site at 3619
2011051075 San Diego County NRG Borrego Solar One
2010118219 City of Anaheim Citywide Sanitary Sewer Improvement Program /Projects, Group 4 - Underhill Avenue, Ward Terrace, New Avenue Avenue, Center STreet, State College Boulevard,
2011031052 San Diego County Howland Minor Subdivision; 3200 21118 (TPM)
2011058268 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Short Ridge Fire Road and Shaded Fuelbreak
2011058271 City of Dinuba Dinuba Recreation and Activity Center, APN: 017-201-004
2011051073 City of Salinas Environmentally Acceptable Food Packaging Ordinance (Environmental Review 2010-006)
2005061051 Orange County La Pata Avenue Gap Closure and Del Rio Extension
2010088373 Sutter County Robbins Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation Project
2010101068 Bakersfield City School District (BCSD) Proposed New Elementary and Middle School Project
1997031065 Monterey Regional Waste Management District Revised Solid Waste Facility Permit
2011058272 California Department of Parks and Recreation School Camp Expansion (Geotechnical Investigation)
2011058255 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) NG2011-08 NextG/MetroPCS San Fernando DAS Project
2011031067 San Luis Obispo County Brohaugh Minor Use Permit DRC2009-00109
2010091006 City of Wasco Wasco Center Walmart
2011059016 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement (Agreement) No. 1600-2008-0599-R1 for Timber Harvesting Plan (THP) 08-097-TEH "Long Ridge THP"
2011058266 California Department of Parks and Recreation Issue a Righ of Entry Permit to BACE Geotechnical
2007072052 North Coast Railroad Authority North Coast Railroad Authority Russian River Division Freight Rail Project
2011058263 Placer County Kruger/MSM Administrative Approval, Accessory Structure Size