SCH Number 2017012008
Project Info
- Title
- Amendment to the 2018 Long Range Development Plan to Address Impacts on Crotch's Bumble Bee and the West Village Open Space Improvements Project
- Description
- Crotch's bumble bee (Bombus crotchii) was designated as a candidate for listing as endangered under the California Endangered Species Act by the California Fish and Game Commission on 9/30/22, which was after certification of the UC Davis 2018 Long Range Development Plan (2018 LRDP) environmental impact report (EIR) (State Clearinghouse No. 2017012008). In the context of subsequent environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this is considered new information of substantial importance. The potential take of Crotch's bumble bee due to the implementation of projects on the UC Davis campus as contemplated in the 2018 LRDP and evaluated in the 2018 LRDP EIR, has been identified as a potential new significant impact due to new information. UC Davis intends to adopt mitigation measures included in the Initial study, and with the measures in place, the effects to Crotch's bumble bee from implementation of the 2018 LRDP will be mitigated to the point where clearly no significant effects on this species will occur. Therefore, UC Davis prepared a Subsequent MND, supported by an Initial Study (IS) (Subsequent IS/MND), to evaluate an Amendment to the 2018 LRDP to Address Impacts on Crotch's Bumble Bee due to the implementation of projects on the UC Davis campus. In addition, the West Village Open Space Improvements Project currently proposed on the UC Davis campus (Project), is evaluated and found to be within the scope of the 2018 LRDP EIR, as amended to include mitigation measures addressing Crotch's bumble bee.
41 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
NOD | University of California, Davis | Amendment to the 2018 Long Range Development Plan to Address Impacts on Crotch's Bumble Bee and the West Village Open Space Improvements Project | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | Campus Demolition Program – Haring Hall Quad Group 4 | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | Hot Water Sprocket District Distribution and Building Conversion | |
MND | University of California, Davis | Amendment to the 2018 Long Range Development Plan to Address Impacts on Crotch's Bumble Bee and the West Village Open Space Improvements Project | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | Baseball and Soccer Facility Lighting | |
NOD | University of California | Segundo Infill Student Housing | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | Equine Performance and Rehabilitation Center | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | Russell Field Lighting Installation | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | Oakland Ballers Baseball Club License Agreement | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | Agricultural Innovation Center (AIC) | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | UC Davis Solano Water Treatment Plant and Land Use Amendment #1 | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | UC Davis Solano Park Demolition Project | |
SBE | University of California, Davis | Solano Park Demolition Project | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | Foundation Plant Services Grape Foundation Greenhouse | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | Chemistry Alterations 1 | |
NOP | University of California, Davis | Solano Park Demolition Project | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | Campus Demolition Program Group 3 | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | Agricultural Research Services Watershed Research Unit Phase II | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | Campus Demolition Program Phase 1 | |
NOD | University of California | Orchard Park Graduate Student Housing and Family Housing Project | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | Orchard Park Connectivity Improvements Project | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | West Village Housing Expansion – Connectivity Improvements | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | Orchard Road Sewer Main Project | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | CNPRC Central Plant and Energy Improvements | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | State Route 113/Hutchison Drive Interchange Improvements Project | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | Engineering Student Design Center | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | Orchard Park Graduate Student Housing and Family Housing Project | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | Student Athlete Performance Center | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | Sustainable Agricultural Water Systems Research Unit | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | UC Davis California National Primate Research Center Lifespan Health Center | |
NOD | University of California | UC Davis 2018 Long Range Development P/011 | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | UC Davis Health - Davis Clinic | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | Chemistry Addition and First Floor Renovation Project | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | Chemistry Annex Seismic Work 2 | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | Hot Water Quad Loop and Hutchison Conversion | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | Athletic Practoce Field Project | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | Teaching and Learning Complex Project | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | West Village Expansion | |
NOD | University of California, Davis | UC Davis 2018 Long Range Development Plan | |
EIR | University of California, Davis | UC Davis 2018 Long Range Development Plan | |
NOP | University of California, Davis | UC Davis 2017 Long Range Development Plan |