Wednesday, June 15, 2022
- Received Date
- 2022-06-15
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58 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2022060323 | NOP | Sonoma County | Sonoma County Housing Element Update | |
2021010130 | ADM | City of Los Angeles | Housing Element 2021-2029 Update / Safety Element Update | |
2022010508 | NOD | Sutter County | Project #U-19-035 (Sills) | |
2022060322 | NOE | City of Porterville | Haven #7, LLC Commercial Cannabis Project | |
2022060321 | NOE | State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Quality | eTS 36310 Supply Line 36-9-06N Pipeline Replacement | |
2022060320 | MND | Garden Grove Unified School District | Sports Facilities Lighting at Santiago High School | |
2022060319 | MND | Garden Grove Unified School District | Sports Facilities Lighting at Rancho Alamitos High School | |
2022060318 | MND | Garden Grove Unified School District | Sports Facilities at Pacifica High School | |
2022060317 | MND | Garden Grove Unified School District | Sports Facilities Lighting at Garden Grove School | |
2022060316 | MND | Garden Grove Unified School District | Sports Facilities Lighting at Bolsa Grande High School | |
2022060315 | NOE | City of Placentia | Use Permit (UP) No. 2022-02 (The Art of Dance & Ballet Academy) | |
2019070208 | NOD | City of Redwood City | Elco Yards Response Plan | |
2022060314 | NOD | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2022-0005-R1 for Timber Harvesting Plan (THP) 1-21-00176-MEN | |
2015032030 | NOD | City of Napa | Highway 29 / Napa Creek Bicycle Path Upgrade Project | |
2022060313 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 2 | Thompson Creek Culverts | |
2022060312 | EIR | Garden Grove Unified School District | Sports Facilities Lighting at La Quinta High School Project | |
2022060311 | MND | City of Los Angeles | 4057 N. Hayvenhurst Ave (ENV-2021-5444-MND) | |
2022060310 | MND | City of Red Bluff | Palm Villas at Red Bluff – 321 South Jackson Street | |
2022060309 | NOE | City of Morgan Hill | Catalyst Kids Center Project | |
2022060308 | NOE | City of San Diego | 730 45th Street EV | |
2022060307 | NOE | City of Placentia | NOE - UP 2022-02; 1840 N. Kraemer Blvd | |
2005072046 | SEA | Central Valley Flood Protection Board | American River Watershed Common Features Water Resources Development Act of 2016 California Sacramento River East Levee Contract 4 | |
2019011061 | ADM | Southern California Association of Governments | Connect SoCal Program Environmental Impact Report Addendum #2 | |
2022060306 | NOE | City of Yreka | Zoning Ordinance Creation: Chapter 16.57 "Rezoning and Zoning Text Amendments" | |
2022060305 | NOE | City of Burlingame | 1766 El Camino Real Project | |
2022060304 | NOE | West Valley Water District | Santa Ana Avenue Transmission Main Project Phase II (W17003) | |
2016062026 | NOD | Yuba City | Barry Elementary School Water Line Extension | |
2022060303 | NOE | City of Yreka | Zoning Ordinance Amendment: Chapter 16.44 Conditional Use Permit | |
2022060302 | NOE | City of San Diego | Digit Civita Purl Sign Program | |
2022060301 | NOD | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2022-0003-R1 for Timber Harvesting Plan (THP) 1-21-00197-MEN | |
2022060300 | NOE | City of Yreka | Zoning Ordinance Amendment: Chapter 16.58 "Variances" | |
2022060299 | MND | Mendocino County | CDP_2021-0032 (DeWolfe) | |
2022060298 | NOE | City of Yreka | Zoning Ordinance Creation and Amendment: Chapters 16.12, 16.46, 16.59 "Nonconforming Lots, Uses, and Structures" | |
2022060297 | MND | Riverside County | Hemet 30 | |
2022060296 | MND | City of Adelanto | Hopland Street Development; CUP 19-02, TPM 20060 & LDP 19-02 | |
2022060295 | MND | City of Paso Robles | Huer Huero Bridge and Roundabout | |
2022030736 | NOD | Sacramento County | 3103 Garden Highway Cottage | |
2021010130 | NOD | City of Los Angeles | ADDENDUM to EIR for Housing Element 2021-2029 Update / Safety Element Update | |
1992032074 | NOD | Sacramento County | Metro Air Park East Tentative Parcel Map | |
2006051073 | NOD | City of Lake Elsinore | Development Agreement No. 2022-01 for an approximately 81.32-acre portion of Tentative Tract Map (TTM) No. 34249 (Canyon Hills Estates) - 2nd Reading | |
2022030368 | NOD | City of Lake Elsinore | North Elsinore Business Park Project (Planning Application No. 2021-13, Tentative Parcel Map No. 38124, and Industrial Design Review No. 2021-01) | |
1992032074 | NOD | Sacramento County | 7790 Metro Air Parkway Grading & Stockpile Project | |
2022060294 | NOE | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | Round Valley Dam, No. 97-9 | |
2022060293 | NOE | State Water Resources Control Board | SFPP LS-64 SWML Anomaly Repair at CA-69 | |
2022060292 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 2 (DOT) | SHALAS CAPM | |
2022060291 | NOE | City of Placentia | Use Permit (UP) No. 2022-03 (Fearless Taekwondo and Martial Arts) | |
2022060290 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | ROE Old TOwn Water Main Improvements (20/21-SD-26) | |
2022060289 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 9 (DOT) | Mojave Pavement - Geotechnical Drilling | |
2022060288 | NOE | City of Rohnert Park | Magnolia Pool Replastering Project, Project No. 2020-30 | |
2022030427 | NOD | Placer County | North Tahoe Shared Use Trail | |
2022060287 | NOE | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | Bandwidth IG Span 5 Segment 02 (Belmont to San Bruno) | |
2004062013 | NOD | City of Oakland | Brooklyn Basin Parcel D, PUD06010-PUDF012-R01 | |
2022060286 | NOE | California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan South Lake Tahoe Region 6 (RWQCB) | HOMEWOOD HIGH & DRY MARINA DREDGING | |
2022060285 | NOE | Amador County | Use Permit UP-22;2-2 | |
2022060284 | NOE | Sonoma County | Notice of Categorical Exemption Blossom and Bine Farm Stand, File No. UPE22-0002 | |
2022060283 | NOE | California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan South Lake Tahoe Region 6 (RWQCB) | ADELMAN PIER RECONSTRUCTION | |
2022060282 | NOE | California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region 2 (RWQCB) | Adoption of Amendment of Site Cleanup Requirements (Order No. R2-2020-0025) for Marinwood Plaza, LLC, and Hoytt Enterprises Inc. | |
2022060281 | NOE | Yuba County | TPM2021-0014 (ARO Developments) |