Wednesday, October 20, 2021
- Received Date
- 2021-10-20
- Edit Search
55 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2021060488 | NOD | University of California, Irvine | Health Sciences Parking Structure | |
2021100371 | NOE | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | #21020 Agreement among the Department of Water Resources of the State of California, Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District, Westlands Water District, San Lui | |
2021100370 | NOE | California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region 9 (RWQCB) | eTS 43817 Santee Access Road Repairs Project | |
2021100369 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Diablo Stove Grills | |
2021100368 | NOE | California Energy Commission | EVmatch Reservation-Based Shared EV Charging in Multi-Family Properties | |
2021020150 | NOD | City of Calabasas | City of Calabasas 2021-2029 Housing Element EIR | |
2020069047 | NOD | City of Riverside | Crestview Apartments | |
2018081085 | NOD | City of San Gabriel | Pacific Square San Gabriel Mixed-Use Project | |
2016112028 | NOD | Mendocino County | Shuster Stream Crossings and Water Diversion Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0491-R1)(Revised) | |
2015102005 | NOD | Humboldt County | Siena Ascension Farms Water Diversion and Stream Crossings Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0199-R1) | |
2021100367 | MND | City of Gonzales | Gonzales Municipal Electric Utility Microgrid Project | |
2021100366 | NOD | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2021-0093-R1 for Nonindustrial Timber Harvesting Plan (NTMP) 1-97NTMP-034-HUM | |
2021100365 | MND | City of Desert Hot Springs | Rancho Descanso Specific Plan Amendment | |
2021100364 | NOE | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | Dam Safety Program - Administrative Enforcement/Information Request Regulations | |
2021100363 | NOE | Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) | ABC - San Jose District Office Relocation - NOE | |
2021100362 | NOE | California Department of Industrial Relations | New Leased Space | |
2021100361 | NOE | Department of Consumer Affairs | Renewed Leased Space | |
2021100360 | NOE | Placer County Water Agency | Geotechnical Investigation at Lake Alta | |
2021100359 | NOE | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California | Acquisition of Properties in Riverside County in the Palo Verde Valley | |
2021100358 | NOE | California Natural Resources Agency | Lawndale Wellness and Activity Center | |
2021100357 | NOE | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California | Authorize five new agricultural leases with Coxco, LLC, Joey DeConinck Farms, and HayDay Farms Venture, LLC, thereby allowing these existing lessees to continue | |
2021100356 | NOD | City of Indio | España Residential Development Project (Tract Map 31689) MND Addendum No. 1 | |
2021100355 | NOE | City of Shasta Lake | SR151-RRFB | |
2021100354 | NOE | City of Santa Barbara | FY21B Paivement Maintenace Project | |
2021100353 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Inland Deserts Region 6 (CDFW) | TD1496827/TD1645008/TD1645009/TD1645010 Lytle Creek Green Mountain Rd Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement EPIMS-SBR-21338-R6) | |
2021100352 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Northern and Eureka Region 1 (CDFW) | Kavanaugh Water Diversion Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2020-0148- R1) | |
2021100351 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Inland Deserts Region 6 (CDFW) | 71125 Poleline Drive, Twentynine Palms, CA 92277 | |
2021100349 | NOE | City of Los Alamitos | ZOA 21-02 Single Family Residential Parking Requirement | |
2021100348 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | SoCal Gas Company Pipeline Hydrotest Amendment | |
2021080219 | NOD | Camrosa Water District | Cornejo Wellfield Granular Activated Carbon Water Treatment Plant Project | |
2021100347 | MND | Contra Costa County | Walnut and Grayson Creeks Desilting Project | |
2021100346 | MND | City of Jackson | Sunview Rezone & General Plan Amendment | |
2021100345 | NOE | Monterey County | McCain Richard J & Michelle Noble McCain Trs | |
2021100344 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Northern and Eureka Region 1 (CDFW) | Vernon Water Diversion Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2020-0289-R1) | |
2021100343 | MND | City of Martinez | Brookside Assisted Living Project (20PLN-0014) | |
2020120544 | EIR | Placer County | The Ridge Subdivision (PLN19-00307) | |
2021100342 | NOE | Calaveras County | Railroad Flat School Recreational Park Upgrades | |
2021100341 | NEG | City of Moorpark | Warehouse Discount Center Project | |
2021100340 | MND | City of Bellflower | 2021-2029 Housing Element, Downtown Bellflower Transit Oriented Development Specific Plan Amendment, and Required Zone Changes to the Mixed Use Overlay Zone | |
2021100339 | NOE | Sacramento County | Polly Avenue Boundary Line Adjustment Board Review | |
2021100338 | MND | California Department of Parks and Recreation | ParkIT! Shuttle Program & Day-Use Reservation System | |
2021100337 | MND | City of Desert Hot Springs | Atlantic Maple Cannabis Cultivation Project | |
2016112028 | NOD | Mendocino County | Loomis Stream Crossings Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No.EPIMS-MEN-07691-R1) | |
2009091126 | NOD | California High Speed Rail Authority | California High-Speed Train Project: Fresno to Bakersfield Permitting Phase 1 (Amendment No. 16 to Master Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2015-0033-R4). | |
2021100336 | NOD | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Cobbler Timber Harvest Plan No. 4-21-00047/TUO (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600 2021 0004-R4) | |
2021050348 | NOD | Imperial County | VEGA CUP 17-0001 Minor Modification & IID S-Line Upgrades Project | |
2020110244 | NOD | Orange County | OC Loop Segments O, P, and Q Coyote Creek Bikeway Project | |
2021100335 | MND | City of Mountain View | Escuela Avenue Mixed-Use Project | |
2021100334 | NOE | State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Rights | U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's Temporary Transfer from New Melones Reservoir | |
2021100333 | MND | Placer County | PFE RANCH SUBDIVISION (PLN19-00294) | |
2021100332 | NOE | California Natural Resources Agency | Grant Elementary School Campus Greening Project | |
2000011033 | FIN | California Department of Transportation, District 5 (DOT) | Centennial Creek Mitigation Project | |
2021100331 | NOP | Kings County Association of Governments (KCAG) | 2022 Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy | |
2021100330 | CON | Amador County | Tentative Parcel Map 2899 Brusatori |