SCH Number 2021050348
Project Info
- Title
- Description
- A minor revision to CUP 17-0001 is requested in order to change the location of the previously-approved on-site substation and gen-tie tie-in, within the boundaries of the VEGA SES Solar Energy Project site. CUP 17-0001 allows for the construction of a new substation, on the southwestern edge of the solar energy facility site (located within APN # 051-360-021). The VEGA IID S-Line Upgrades (“S-Line Upgrades”) component of the project consists of replacing and upgrading equipment along an approximately 18-mile segment of an existing transmission line traversing through lands in unincorporated Imperial County, City of El Centro, and City of Imperial. Figure 6 depicts the location of the S-Line upgrades. The Parcel Map affects five existing parcels (APNs 051-360-012, 051-360-031, 051-390-005, 051-390-004, and 051-390-013). This map is being requested to separate portions of existing parcels that are located on both sides of Drew Road but only the portions on the west side are planned for use as the VEGA SES Solar Energy Project.
2 documents in project