SCH Number 2021100367

Project Info

Gonzales Municipal Electric Utility Microgrid Project
The GMEU and Bodega Microgrid, LLC are partnering to build the GMEU Microgrid Project. The GMEU will be responsible for installing the electric power distribution system (i.e., overhead and trenched power lines) in Gonzales and County of Monterey road rights-of-way. Bodega Microgrid will be responsible for building the power generation (solar panels) infrastructure at 195 Katherine Street (a City owned retention pond) and 400 Short Road (the Gonzales Wastewater Treatment Facility), and will also build the electric power substation, electric power battery storage facility, and the command-and-control system that is appurtenant to electric power infrastructure. The project will provide power to the Gonzales Agricultural Industrial Business Park and will also connect to the regional power grid operated by California Independent Systems Operators (CAISO)/Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) that traverses the City of Gonzales. The project site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5.
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City of Gonzales Gonzales Municipal Electric Utility (GMEU) Microgrid Project
City of Gonzales Gonzales Municipal Electric Utility Microgrid Project