Tuesday, September 29, 2009

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47 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2009092083 Fremont Union High School District Monta Vista High School Sports Fielding Improvements and Lighting
2009098303 Fish & Game #2 PG&E Gas Line 172 Erosion Control Project
2009091121 California Department of Transportation, District 6 06-FRE 180 PM 77.1
2009098326 California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Alexander Area Waterpipe Replacements, Phase II
2009098306 California Department of Parks and Recreation Arthur B Ripley Desert Woodland State Park Trail Project
2009098300 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) ExteNet Highway 84 Distributed Antennae System (DAS) Project
2004102018 Twin Rivers Unified School District Grant Joint union High School District New High School/Middle School
2008101073 Alameda Corridor-East Construction Authority (ACE) San Gabriel Trench Grade Separation Project
2006062071 Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority Feather River Levee Repair Project Segment 2 (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit 2081-2008-021-02)
2009091118 City of Menifee Fleming Ranch
2009098301 Monterey County Garrapata Water System (Planning File No. PNL090207)
2009068311 City of Big Bear Lake Tahoe Sewer main Replacement Project
2009091119 Orange County Laguna Canyon Road Drainage Improvements Project
2002082064 Placer County Northstar at Tahoe Martis Camp Lift Pod Access Ski Trail
2003022122 Placer County Northstar at Tahoe Martis CAmp Lift Pod Access Ski Trail
2007052074 Santa Clara Valley Water District Permanente Creek Flood Protection Project
2009098321 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Lei Fuel Reduction Project
2009048079 City of Colfax Colfax Sewer Lift Stations and Infiltration and Inflow Elemination Project
2009098309 Fish & Game #6 Rancho Wildomar Project - SAA #1600-2009-0071-R6
2009098312 California Department of Parks and Recreation Ritchie Creek Fish Passage Barrier Removal
2009092086 Trinity County Wildwood Road Realignment and Widening Project
2009088071 City of Mission Viejo Oso Creek Restoration and Protection Project - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Project
2009098310 California Department of Parks and Recreation Water System Repair Project
2009098313 California Department of Parks and Recreation Eagle Creek Trail Rehab
2009094005 United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs BIA Proposed Route No. 53 (Parcell Road) and BIA Proposed Route No. 41 (Church Road) La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians
2009091122 City of Lompoc Frick Springs Bridge Project
2009092084 State Water Resources Control Board Smith Family Trust Petition to Change Water Right License 2805
2009098304 Sutter County 2009 Contract Seals
2009068314 City of Big Bear Lake Rehabilitation of Sewer Lift Station 2 and 2A
2009098307 California Department of Parks and Recreation Red Rock Canyon State Park Leach System Replacement
2009091125 California High Speed Rail Authority Merced to Fresno High-Speed Train Project EIR/EIS
1998092049 Placer County Northstar at Tahoe Martis Camp Lift Pod Access Ski Trail
2009098308 California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) Southern Sonoma County Habitat Preservation: Phase III, Ellis Creek
2009092082 Fremont Union High School District Lynbrook High School Sports Fields Improvements and Lighting
2009098311 California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) California Institution for Men Correctional Facility, Reception Center West - Joshua Housing Unit - Fire Life, Safety, Renovations
2009092085 City of Live Oak Live Oak Community Trail
2009098305 Fish & Game #3 Drainage System Rehabilitation State Route 128, Sonoma County, Post Mile .04 to 4.5
2007041052 United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) South Coast Conduit/Upper Reach Reliability Project
2009091120 Riverside County Economic Development Agency Roy's Desert Reource Center
2009098302 Fish & Game #2 Meadow Boardwalk Replacement Project
2009098325 California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Cordova Water Meter Retrofit
2009091117 City of Anaheim Founders Park
2009091123 Tulare County Change of Zone No. PZ 08-011
2009088292 Nevada County Installation of Stormwater Management in the Yuba Watershed
2009088246 City of Selma City of Selma Storm Water Project
2009098299 California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) - Sacramento
2009098322 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Lilly Circle Fuel Break