Monday, January 14, 2008

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57 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2008018085 California Tahoe Conservancy Transfer of Coverage to El Dorado County APN 27-151-30 (Rumble)
2008019004 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement (Agreement) No. R1-07-0482 for Timber Harvesting Plan (THP) 1-07-128HUM "GDRCo 547"
2006091085 Malaga County Water District UV Disinfection Project SCG 820-010
2007112033 Siskiyou County Eric F. and Katherine L. Rice Tentative Parcel Map (TPM-07-03)
2008018088 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-07-0556, Jacoby Creek Bridge Accumulated Sediment Removal Project
2007084001 United States Department of Department of Homeland Security Monument 250 Road Improvement Project
2007111037 City of Laguna Beach 30516 Coast Highway, St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School
2007011011 City of Hemet City of Hemet's Long-Term Programmatic Maintenance Program
2007032159 City of Yreka Stormwater Attenuation and Floodplain Restoration Project
2007072030 Shasta County Zone Amendment 07-009 (Western Star Lodge)
2008012042 Yuba County Tentative Subdivision Map #2007-0014, Fred Basquin
2007112107 City of Healdsburg Public Street and Railroad Crossing Project at NCRA Milepost 70.85
2007042083 Stanislaus County Use Permit Application #2007-10, Foster Farms Dairy
2001011045 California Department of Transportation, District 8 Clinton Keith and I-215 Interchange Improvements
2005101038 San Bernardino County General Plan Update
2008018083 Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority Verdugo Mountains - Bagdarsarian and Hostetter Acquisitions
2005062051 Garberville Sanitary District Garberville Sanitary District Treatment Plant Improvement
2008018091 Tuolumne County Demolition Review D07-010
2008011041 City of Adelanto Adelanto Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion
2008011038 City of Los Angeles Redmont Pump Station Project
2008018094 Tuolumne County Demolition Review D07-013
2008012040 Shasta County Parcel Map 03-020 (Gard)
2008012037 Shasta County Parcel Map 06-064 (Newcomb)
2007022055 City of Redding Tentative Subdivision Map Application S-9-05, Stonefair Subdivision, by Shasta Lake LLC
2007101034 City of Colton San Bernardino Valley Enterprise Zone City of Colton
2008012038 Shasta County Tract 1971 - TZH Investments, Inc.
2008011039 California Department of Transportation, District 8 State Route 2 Widening for Two-Way Left Turn Pockets, Shoulder, and Drainage Improvements
2007022119 El Dorado County Tentative Subdivision Map Application TM05-1398/Thousand Oaks Unit No. 3
1999031037 San Diego, Port of North Embarcadero Visionary Plan
2005054003 United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs Dry Creek Rancheria - Fee to Trust Project
2008018095 Tuolumne County Tentative Parcel Map T07-58
2008012041 Yuba County Tentative Subdivision Map #2007-0013, Kevin and Lori Nelson
2007052069 San Joaquin County PA-0700180 (Revised)
2008018092 Tuolumne County Demolition Review D07-015
2001021085 United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) El Rio Sewer System Project Phases V and VI; State Revolving Fund Load No. C-06-4680-110
2005111054 City of Los Angeles Vesting Tentative Tract No. 61553
2008018086 Fish & Game #4 California Department of Parks and Recreation - Hollister Hills District, Area Five Basin Restoration,
2008011036 City of Palm Springs BP Palm Springs Logistics Center
2008012035 Nevada County Pendagio Vineyard Estates Project
2008019005 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement (Agreement) No. R1-07-0569 for Timber Harvesting Plan (THP) 1-07-148HUM "GDRCo 43-0702"
2008018089 California Department of Parks and Recreation Beach Access Improvements
2006041162 Tulare County Tulare County General Plan 2030 Update
2008012039 Shasta County General Plan Amendment 06-001, Zone Amendment 06-014, Tract Map 1942 (Poulos)
2007068271 State Water Resources Control Board Community Domestic Wastewater Improvements and Rehabilitiation for the Byron Sanitary District
2008011040 Western Municipal Water District Dauchy / JFK Creek Crossing Project
2008018093 Tuolumne County Demolition Review D08-002
2006112066 Union Sanitary District Newark Pump Station Upgrade Project
2008011037 Monterey County Pacific Peninsula Group; PLN070317
2004091152 City of Woodlake Woodlake Wastewater Treatment / Disposal
2008012036 Shasta County Zone Amendment 07-027 and Use Permit 07-017 (Alexander)
2008018090 Tuolumne County Demolition Review D08-001
2006081137 City of San Bernardino San Bernardino Valley Enterprise Zone
2008018084 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Bridge Hinge/Seal Repair
2007112035 Siskiyou County William and Elsie Thackeray Trust Tentative Parcel Map (TPM-07-04)
2008018087 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-07-0555, Wight Culvert Replacement Project
2006071024 Regents of the University of California ICHA University Hills Area 9-2 Faculty/Staff Housing Project
2007011082 City of Santa Maria Enos Ranchos Development