Monday, June 17, 2002

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72 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2002068126 California Highway Patrol (CHP) CHP Clearlake Area Office Improvement
2002051017 City of Lompoc Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map-LOM 511
2002062049 City of Folsom Folsom City Zoo Black Bear Exhibit Expansion
1994113039 Port of Oakland Airport Development Program, Oakland International Airport
2002062066 State Water Resources Control Board Applications 29498, 29724 and 29725 of William I. Morgan to Appropriate Water
2002062046 Nevada Joint Union High School District High School Access, Parking, Restrooms and Interpretive Center
2002068123 The Resources Agency Grant award to The Nature Conservancy for BAttle Creek Riparian Protection project, which implements CALFED Ecosystem Restoration Program- ERP Project 01-N24
2002041173 City of Chula Vista Rancho Del Rey Library
2002012082 Humboldt County Ubiquitel Leasing Corporation SP-01-26
2002061081 City of Pasadena Pasadena Power Plant Upgrade Project
2002062057 City of Chico Mariposa Vista Subdivision
1995111024 California Department of Transportation, Headquarters Oxnard Boulevard Interchange Improvements on US Highway 101
2001112018 City of Santa Cruz Laguna Creek Pipeline Access Road Repair Project
2002054005 United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs Los Coyotes Road Improvement
2001071099 San Luis Obispo County Cambria Main Street Roadway Enhancement Project; ED97-262 (D960314P/P12A272)
2002022086 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 (Central Valley), Sacramento Conagra Oakdale Facility - Land Application Area Expansion
1991052041 City of Clovis Clovis Housing Element Update
2002068120 Napa County NCSO Off-Road Enforcement Team
2002041061 City of Vista Alta Vista Drive 8-Lot Tentative Subdivision Map
2002068114 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Culvert Replacement
2002062060 Humboldt County The PWM Inc. Special Permit (SP-01-76) for a 180 foot tall lattice cellular communications tower
2002031140 Monterey County Monterey Peninsula Country Club Shore Course Improvements and Habitat Restoration
2002068117 Fish & Game #3 Artesa Culvert Replacement
2002061084 Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) Assessment District #19 Water System
2000082020 City of Belmont Summer Hill Homes 52-Unit Residential Development
2002069057 San Diego County Agricultural Homestays Zoning Ordinance Amendment; POD 99-004; Log No. 01-00-002
2002042087 City of Eureka Humboldt Bay Boating Safety and Instruction Center
2002061082 Irvine Ranch Water District Turtle Rock Pressure Improvement Project
2002068118 Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority (SAWPA) Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority's Integrated Water Resources Plan for the Santa Ana River Watershed from the Year 2000 to the Year 2050
2002068121 City of Roseville SB 50 alternative Fees
2002062067 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Remedial Action Plan for the PG&E Willows Former Manufactured Gas Plant
2002012011 California Department of Transportation, District 6 State Route 219 Widening Project - PROJECT WITHDRAWN
2002062061 City of Fremont Niles Boulevard Replacement Project
1992101099 San Diego County ZAP 99-029, ER 99-19-016
2002062052 Trinity County Hayfork Sewer Treatment Facility Expansion (Use Permit Amendment)
2002068112 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Alteration of Sobrante Clearwall Dam
2002062058 Sonoma County Godwin Winery; UPE 97-0121
2002041016 Vista Unified School District Vista Focus Academy, Expansion of Washington Middle School
2002068115 Fish & Game #3 Beringer Bell Creek Outfall
2002061079 City of Colton Tentative Tract Map No. 16289 and Related Amendments to the Reche Canyon Specific Plan
2001082060 City of Arcata City of Arcata- Jolly Giant Creek Baffle Installation Project
2002042081 California Department of Transportation, District 4 S.R. 152A (S.R. 152 Improvement Project - U.S. 101/S.R. 152 Interchange to West of Gilroy Foods)
2002062055 Fish & Game #3 Mendocino Redwoods Company, Natural Communities Conservation Plan
2001111012 California Fish and Game Commission (CDFGC) Migratory Game Bird Hunting (Waterfowl, Coot, Moorhens, & Common Snipe) 2002
2002068113 Garden Grove Unified School District Garden Park Elementary School- Modernization
2002062059 Sonoma County James Menconi; self storage facility/office/caretakers residence ("Empire Self Storage"); PLP 02-0001
2002061080 Solana Beach Elementary School District Elementary School #6
2002061080 Solana Beach Elementary School District Elementary School #6
2002032135 City of Woodside Portola Road Bridge Replacement
2002061083 City of Salinas Planned Unit Development 00-05 and Tentative Map 01-02
2002062056 Lake County Amber Knolls Reservoir Minor Use Permit MUP 02-13
2002041043 San Luis Obispo County Chorro Creek Stream Gauge at Canet Road; ED00-586 (D010260P/P235006)
2002061077 Los Angeles County Palmdale Sheriff's Station
2002068116 Fish & Game #3 Town of Woodside Equestrian Trail Bridge over Bear Gulch Creek
2002062050 Central Valley Flood Protection Board IS/ND Discovery Bay Maintenance Dredging Project
2002068127 California Department of Parks and Recreation Torrey Pines Veldt Grass Characterization Study
2002042030 Plumas County Hosselkus Creek Restoration Project
2002062053 Santa Clara County DaSilva Slaughterhouse
2002059010 Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District Pilot Project for Temporary Discharge of Recycled Water and Groundwater for Lake Elsinore Replenishment
2002068124 California Tahoe Conservancy Transfer of Coverage to El Dorado County APN 31-225-09
2002062047 City of Woodside Marks Residence
2002068111 Fish & Game #5 Batiquitos Lagoon Maintenance Dredging
2000064002 U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management Headwaters Forest Reserve Management Plan
2002068128 California Department of Parks and Recreation Torrey Pines Native Plant Garden Volunteer Enhancement Grant (01/02-SD-81)
2002011002 City of Fresno Skypark Marketplace Development
2002062051 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 6 (Lahontan) Blackwood Creek Stream Channel Restoration and Fish Ladder Project
2002062054 Siskiyou County Vernon and Synthea Smith/Carl Coleman Use Permit (UP-02-08)
2002061078 San Luis Obispo County San Luis Obispo County Community College District Minor Use Permit D010330P
2002068119 Palm Springs Unified School District Nellie N. Coffman Middle School Modernization Project
2002068125 California Tahoe Conservancy Transfer of Coverage to Placer County APN 90-212-39
2002068122 Roseville City School District Development Impact Fees
2001082113 City of Brentwood Arcadia Mixed Use Development Project