Grant award to The Nature Conservancy for BAttle Creek Riparian Protection project, which implements CALFED Ecosystem Restoration Program- ERP Project 01-N24


SCH Number
Public Agency
The Resources Agency
Document Title
Grant award to The Nature Conservancy for BAttle Creek Riparian Protection project, which implements CALFED Ecosystem Restoration Program- ERP Project 01-N24
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Grant of Proposition 204 funds to The Nature Conservatory for acquisition of conservation easements on two critical riparian properties: the Miller Ranch (@1600 acres) on the main stem of Battle Creek above Coleman Fish Hatchery; and the Winning Ranch (@700 acres) on the South Fork of Battle Creek contiguous to several Bureau of Land Management properties. Both properties are working cattle ranches. Neither property has soils rated as prime, statewide important, or uniwue. The project includes stewardship and monitoring tasks on both properties, plus a third property located on the north fork of Battle Creek that is already under a conservation easement held by The Nature Conservancy. Stewardship will include fencing of sensitive riparian areas on the Miller Ranch. Monitoring includes preparation of baseline conditions reports, bird monitoring and easement monitoring.

Contact Information

Campbell Ingram
Agency Name
The Resources Agency
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency



Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 13, 25; Sec. 15301, 15303,
Reasons for Exemption
The grant award will allow for acquisition of easements to preserve two working ranches for agricultural use in perpetuity, while also preserving existing natural conditions along the frontage of the main stem and South Fork of Battle Creek consistent with Class 13 and 25 exemptions. The fencing on the Miller Ranch is exempt under the Clas 1 and 3 exemptions for repair of existing and minor construction of new fences.

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