Monday, August 1, 2022

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42 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2022080027 California Department of Parks and Recreation Emmanuel Church Structural Stabilization and Phase 1 Preservation
2022050293 Sacramento County Active Transportation Plan
2021100400 City of Fontana Ventana at Duncan Canyon Specific Plan Amendment
2022080026 City of Carpinteria Decommissioning and Remediation of the Chevron Carpinteria Oil and Gas Processing Facility
2022040191 City of Elk Grove Waterman Brinkman Logistics Center (PLNG20-016)
2022080025 Turlock Irrigation District Turlock Irrigation District Project Nexus
2022050480 Site Project Authority (SPA) 2022-2024 Sites Reservoir Geologic, Geophysical, and Geotechnical Investigations Final Environmental Assessment/Initial Study
2022080024 City of Elk Grove Hotel at Sheldon Place (PLNG20-006)
2019060003 City of San Diego ARE Scripps Health
2022080023 Amador Water Agency (AWA) Amador Water Agency - Wastewater Capacity Fees
2012052026 California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery Concurrence in the issuance of a Modified Solid Waste Facilities Permit
2022010065 City of La Mesa Concurrence in the Issuance of a Revised Solid Waste Facilities Permit (SWFP) for EDCO Station in San Diego County, SWIS No. 37-AA-0922
2022080022 City of Laguna Woods Laguna Woods General Plan and Zoning Code Update
2022080021 California Department of Transportation, District 6 (DOT) Arvin East ADA Improvements
2022030360 San Mateo County Palmer Lane Zoning Amendment, General Plan Amendment, and 3-lot Subdivision
2022080020 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2022-0004-R2 (“Pea Pod” Timber Harvesting Plan 2-22-00068-PLA, Sierra Pacific Industries)
2005072045 City of Chico Permit No. 19664 – North Creek Crossing at Meriam Park Development Project
2022080019 California Department of Transportation, District 6 (DOT) Arvin CAPM
2022080018 Central Coast Water Authority (CCWA) Central Coast Water Authority and San Luis Obispo County Flood Control & WCD Agreement for Transfer and Treatment of State Water Project Water
2022080017 City of Santa Rosa Howarth Park Fishing Pier Accessibility Improvements
2022080016 City of Santa Rosa Public Safety Building Hydronic Pipeline Replacement
2020100329 Brannan-Andrus Levee Maintenance District (BALMD) Permit No. 19173 - Sacramento River Erosion Control and Habitat Enhancement Project
2022020165 City of Adelanto Silver Peak Solar Project
2022080015 California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) Conditions of Approval, Use Permit and Development Agreement Application No. PLN2018-0129 - Mission Nurseries, LLC
2022080014 California Department of Transportation, District 4 (DOT) REPAIR SLIPOUT- 1Y440/0422000491
2014021003 City of Corona Skyline Heights Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement EPIMS Notification No. 1600-2017- 0155-R6)
2022080013 Colusa County Maxwell Dollar General Store
2022080012 California Department of Parks and Recreation Cooper Grove Monarch Butterfly Habitat Improvement
2022080011 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Central Region 4 (CDFW) California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2021-064-04 for the eTS 47418 L7049 MP 0.38 Recoat Anode Install Project
2022080010 City of Fresno P22-00402
2022080009 State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Rights Petition to Change Water Right License 8195 (Application 19998)
2022080008 California Military Department - Office of the Adjutant General (CMD) Camp Roberts - MATES access road repairs
2022080007 State Water Resources Control Board Petition to Change Water Right License 6612 (Application 18177)
2022080006 University of California, Davis Stockton Prenatal Diagnosis Relocation Project
2022080005 University of California Santa Cruz Master Service Agreements to Furnish Group Room Reservations for Students
2022080004 San Benito County PLN220010 (Conditional Use Permit)
2022080003 Western Shasta Resource Conservation District Shingletown WUI Fuel Treatments Project
2022020501 Stanislaus County Frito-Lay, Inc.
2022030508 Stanislaus County Use Permit Application No. PLN2021-0102 - Darling Ingredients
2022080002 California Department of Transportation, District 10 (DOT) Merced 140 Planada Intersection Control Improvement Project
2022080001 University of California, Davis Finance, Operations, and Administration (FOA) Move to Research Park
2022060718 City of Fresno City of Fresno Proposed Acquisition for Senior Center and Housing Project