Shingletown WUI Fuel Treatments Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
Western Shasta Resource Conservation District
Document Title
Shingletown WUI Fuel Treatments Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project will implement fuel reduction activities to improve the protection of homes, communities and public and private lands from fire while protecting environmental, natural and cultural resources. The project area is an 11,000 acre fuels reduction project in strategic locations within the Shingletown, CA Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) in Shasta County, CA generally located along the Highway 44 corridor from Inwood on the west, Viola on the east, and Manton on the south (See Project Vicinity and Project Area Maps). The WUI is an area where human habitation is mixed with areas of flammable wildland vegetation, and the area includes over 2,000 habitable structures. All treatments will occur within the State Responsibility Area (SRA) for fire response with the majority of the project area being Very High Hazard Fire Severity Zone. The target fuels are brush, and small and suppressed trees that act as ladder fuels that allow widlfires to move from the forest floor to the tree canopy making the fire harder to control. Much of the thinning activity and tree removal will be conducted under California Forest Practice Exemptions. The balance of the treatment activities, including the mastication of brush and small trees, hand treatments of brush and small trees, prescribed fire (broadcast and pile burning) and emergent brush follow-up treatments will be conducted under this Notice of Exemption (NOE).

Contact Information

Ross Perry
Agency Name
Western Shasta Resource Conservation District
Job Title
Project Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

Tom Esgate
Agency Name
Lassen Fire Safe Council
Job Title
Managing Director
Contact Types
Parties Undertaking Project


Other Location Info
Mount Diablo Base & Meridian (MDBM), Township 30N, Range 1W, portions of Sections 1-3, 10-15, & 23-24; T30N, R1E, portions of Section 1-30; T30N, R2E, portions of Sections 1-24 &27-30; T30N, R3E, portions of Sections 3-10 & 16-20; T31N, R1W, portions of Sections 11-16 & 21-36; T31N, R1E, Sections 1-36;T31N, R2E, Sections 1-36; T31N, R3E, portions of Sections 4-9, 15-22, & 27-34; T32N, R1E, portions of Sections 35-36; T32N, R2E, portions of Sections 31-36; and T32N, R3E, portions of Sections 31 & 32

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15304: Minor Alterations to Land
Reasons for Exemption
15304, which exempts minor alterations in the condition of land, water, and/or vegetation which does not involve removal of healthy, mature, scenic trees except for forestry or agricultural purposes.
County Clerk


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