SCH Number 2022050293

Project Info

Active Transportation Plan
The Active Transportation Plan (ATP) provides policy, program, and infrastructure recommendations to improve active transportation (biking, walking, and rolling) within unincorporated Sacramento County. While many of the implementation measures are centered on policy, analysis, and monitoring, the ATP has proposed a myriad of infrastructure improvements including, new or upgraded pedestrian and bicycle facilities, lighting improvements, and safety enhancements at major intersections. The proposed infrastructure recommendations consist of 192 miles of sidewalk, 1,203 miles of bike lanes, and intersection and safety improvements at 192 locations. The ATP will replace the previously adopted Sacramento County Pedestrian Master Plan and the Bicycle Master Plan within the Sacramento County General Plan. This document is the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration on the potential environmental effects of the adoption of the Sacramento County Active Transportation Plan (ATP). Specific development is not proposed under the ATP, and adoption of this CEQA document would not authorize any development. Future individual projects within the ATP will be subject to further environmental review. The ATP itself contains various programs, policies and recommendations pertaining to the development of pedestrian and bicycle facilities. The project description has been revised to detail the specific land use entitlements requested. Details of Request: 1. Adopt the Sacramento County Active Transportation Plan. 2. A General Plan Amendment to modify text in the Air Quality, Circulation, and Environmental Justice Elements to remove reference of Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plans to be replaced by the proposed Sacramento County Active Transportation Plan (ATP). 3. A Zoning Ordinance Amendment to amend the Old Florin Town Special Planning Area to be consistent with the trail system identified in the ATP. Within the initial study, analysis in the land use discussion has been updated to address the trail re-alignment in the Old Florin Town SPA. The proposed amendments to the Old Florin Town SPA were made through a specific project within the plan area; the ATP summarizes the approved trail modifications made through that project approval.
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Sacramento County Active Transportation Plan
Sacramento County Active Transportation Plan