ARE Scripps Health

18 Documents in Project


SCH Number
Lead Agency
City of San Diego
Document Title
ARE Scripps Health
Document Type
FIN - Final Document
Present Land Use
Industrial-Scientific Research, IP-1-1 Zone
Document Description
A NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT PERMIT to allow demolition of the existing three one-level structures totaling 30,221-square-foot San Diego Braille Institute buildings and associated existing hardscape and landscape areas and construction of an approximately 131,183-square-foot, five-level office building with a surface parking lot and a stand-alone four-level above-grade parking structure. The 131,183-square-foot building would be used as a corporate headquarters/single tenant office building, with an approximately 25,522-square-foot basement. The stand-alone four-level parking structure would be approximately 131,509 square feet. The project is located at 4555 Executive Drive on the southeast corner of Executive Drive and Executive Way. The 3.79-acre project site is designated as Industrial-Scientific Research within the University Community Plan, and zoned Industrial Park (IP-1-1) in the Nexus Technology Centre Specific Plan. Additionally, the project site is located within the Airport Land Use Compatibility Overlay Zone (Marine Corps Air Station [MCAS] Miramar), Airport Influence Area (MCAS Miramar Review Area 1 and Area 2), Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan Noise Contours (60 to 65 community noise equivalent level), Federal Aviation Administration Part 77 Notification Area (MCAS Miramar), Community Plan Implementation Overlay Zone – Type A, Prime Industrial Lands, and Parking Impact Overlay Zone.

Contact Information

Morgan Dresser
Agency Name
City of San Diego
Job Title
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


San Diego
San Diego
Citywide, Countywide
Cross Streets
Executive Drive and Executive Way
Total Acres
Parcel #
345-012-0400 and 345-012-0500
State Highways
I-5 and I-805
MCAS Miramar
La Jolla Country Day School, Doyle Elementary, Marie Curie
Pacific Ocean

Notice of Completion

Development Types
Office (Sq. Ft. 131183, Acres 3.79, Employees 1)
Local Actions
Neighborhood Development Permit
Project Issues


Notice of Completion [NOC] Transmittal form

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