Friday, March 6, 2020

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74 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2019129074 Union Public Utility District Union Public Utility District, Backwash/ Recycling and Tank Aeration Project
2020030313 Sutter County Robbins Water System Treatment Plan Improvement Project
2014011009 Riverside County San Gorgonio Crossing/Gateway Center Project
2020030235 California Natural Resources Agency Bonita Park and Pool Project
2020030234 Central Valley Flood Protection Board Permit No. 19366: Butte Basin RV Park Project
2020030233 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, North Central Region 2 (CDFW) Five Lakes Basin non-native fish removal and Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog (Rana sierrae) population recovery.
2018061058 Orange County Water District Smith Basin Improvement Project
2018021079 City of Seaside Campus Town Specific Plan
2015091060 San Diego County Water Authority Carlsbad Desalination Plant’s Phase II–Discharge Pond Blocks & Relocate/Replace Gangway/Dock Project
2004041081 San Diego County Water Authority Carlsbad Desalination Plant’s Phase II–Discharge Pond Blocks & Relocate/Replace Gangway/Dock Project
2020030231 City of Vallejo Fairgrounds Self Storage
2018092012 Alameda County Livermore Community Solar Farm EIR
2020030230 San Luis Obispo County Prefumo Canyon Road Milepost 4.9 Slip Out Repair Project
2020030229 Kern County PLN20-00496
2020030228 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Central Region 4 (CDFW) Durden Bridge Replacement (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0244-R4)
2020030227 University of California, Davis Tupper Hall 3225, 3227, 3128 & 3130 Renova
2020030226 University of California, Davis East Wing 1st Floor Seismic Relocations Remodel
2020030225 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2020-0047-R2 (Trivien Timber Harvesting Plan 4-19-00146-ELD, Sierra Pacific Industries)
2020030224 Kern County PLN20-00477
2020030223 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 6 (Lahontan) Jellin Retaining Wall Repair Project
2020030222 California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Department of Motor Vehicles - Bell Gardens FO Access Barrier Removal Phase II
2020030221 California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Department of Motor Vehicles - Bell Gardens FO Access Barrier Removal Phase I
2020030220 Kern County PLN20-00470
2018051014 California Department of Transportation, District 12 (DOT) Interstate 5 (1-5) Improvement Project from Interstate 405 (1-405) to State Route 55 (SR-55)
2019119080 La Puente Valley County Water District Puente Valley Operable Unit, Shallow Zone - South Remedy Project
2020030219 Stanislaus County Use Permit & Development Agreement Application No. PLN2019-0086 - Lyfted Farms, Inc. - Daly Avenue
2019011050 California Department of Transportation, District 5 (DOT) Refugio Road Bridge Replacement Project
2020030218 Stanislaus County Use Permit and Development Agreement Application No. PLN2018-0163 - Blue Oak Naturals, LLC
2020030217 Stanislaus County Use Permit & Development Agreement Application No. PLN2018-0096 - Truleaf, Inc.
2020039021 City of San Diego AT&T Tijuana River Valley
2020030216 10th District Agricultural Association, Siskiyou Golden Fair (10th DAA) Beaver Water Diversion Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0947-R1
2020039020 City of Escondido ENV19-0002 (Membrane Filtration Reverse Osmosis Facility - MFRO)
2015102005 Humboldt County Gueorguiev Water Diversion and Stream Crossings Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0978-R1)
2015102005 Humboldt County Gueorguiev Water Diversion and Stream Crossings Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0978-R1)
2015102005 Humboldt County Wansick Water Diversion and Stream Crossings Project 3 Encroachments 1600-2019-0909-R1
2015102005 Humboldt County Skillern Stream Crossing Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0327-R1)
2020030215 City of Turlock Conditional Use Permit 2019-07-Perfect Union
2017062038 Napa County Oak Knoll Hotel
2020039019 City of Hawaiian Gardens Holiday Inn Express Suites
2017122038 City of Rocklin Croftwood Unit 2 Project
2013081079 Kern County Revisions to the Kern County Zoning Ordinance - 2015(C), Focus on Oil and Gas Permitting
2020039018 California State Center Community College District First Responders Campus Project
2020039017 City of Porterville Central Mutual Water Company Consolidation
2020039016 University of California, Santa Barbara East Bluffs Stabilization project
2020039015 Enterprise School District Mistletoe Elementary School Project
2020020006 City of Stockton Sanchez-Hoggan Annexation Project
2019070975 City of Victorville Victorville CarMax Auto Superstore Project (PLAN18-00052)
2019050005 City of Fresno Fresno General Plan Program EIR
2018121015 City of San Joaquin San Joaquin Phase 2 Water System Improvements Project
2018051014 California Department of Transportation, District 12 (DOT) Interstate 5 (I-5) Improvement Project from Interstate 405 (I-405) to State Route 55 (SR-55)
2017101060 City of San Joaquin City of San Joaquin Consolidated Water Treatment Project
1993112027 City of Lathrop River Islands at Lathrop Phase 2 Project/Update to the West Lathrop Specific Plan
2020030214 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Sonic 2020 1901 Bruin Golf Links
2020030213 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Sonic 2020 1901 Bruin 10th and Union
2020030212 Kern County PLN20-00520
2020030211 Kern County PLN20-00504
2020030210 Kern County PLN20-00508
2020030209 Kern County PLN20-00506
2020030208 Kern County PLN20-00494
2020030207 California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo Housing Replace Walkways -- JOC 19-044.6154.00
2020030206 California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coast Region 1 (RWQCB) Pine Hill Road at Swain Slough Bridge Replacement Project
2020030205 Kern County PLN20-00484
2020030204 Kern County PLN20-00382
2020030203 Kern County PLN20-00518
2020030202 Kern County PLN20-00497
2020030201 Kern County PLN20-00486
2020030200 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Northern and Eureka Region 1 (CDFW) Diversion from Hayfork Creek for Jack Rabbit Farms (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0382-R1)
2020030198 University of California, San Francisco 654 Minnesota Street First Floor Police Department Consolidation, University of California, San Francisco
2020030197 California Department of Transportation, District 11 (DOT) Remove/Replace failing asphalt concrete at Chula Vista Maintenance Station (3A288)
2020030196 Kern County PLN20-00507
2020030195 Kern County PLN20-00492
2020030194 Kern County PLN20-00468
2020030193 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Northern and Eureka Region 1 (CDFW) Stream Crossing Upgrades for Cultivation Site Access (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0511-R1)